Well, just returned and oh! what fun we had. We did take two yellow ramps along with half a timber yard thinking we had it all covered, - wrong!!!
We did not anticipate the fence at the rear of a reserved disabled pitch (for the inlaws) that was only just long enough for the van, so there was no chance of reversing back and driving forward onto the levellers. Never mind - we'll pitch on the angle. So we jacked it up and stacked planks of wood under the wheel - fine, even reaching over and through the blackberries, stinging nettles and wire fence to wind down the offside rear steady onto stacker pads.
"Hang on" says Christine, - "at this angle the awning corner will extend over the road!!!" - she has her uses!!
"No problem I'll swing it round a touch", so up with the steadies and engage the mover. That looks better, until I came to wind down the offside rear steady again which was now directly in line with a fence post and could not be accessed with the steady winder, hmm? So it had to be a wheel brace and short extension with lots of patience.
The new awning went up a dream and this was all followed 2hrs later by a cool beer sitting in the sunshine.
Yes we had a great week away and thanks to all for the advice.
Colin. - Orpington.
P.S. Next purchase - paid of wind up wheel lifters