How times change

Aug 1, 2005
Just a thought I had. In the early to mid eighties when I started caravanning with the CC if you didn't tow with a Ford Granada you wre seen as some sort of eccentric and were asked why you didn't ( I towed with a Volvo 144 at the time ), now its if you don't tow with a 4x4. I now tow with a Rover 45 diesel and am perfectly happy to keep on doing so. Now don't get me wrong, I am NOT an anti but have no desire to own a gas guzzling 4x4 with all the extra costs of servicing etc when I have no real reason to need one, I don't live 2 miles up a dirt track in the middle of nowhere, nor do I ever need to go off-road (and ten yards of grass to a pitch is not off-road to me). But we live in a democracy so people should be able to drive what they wish, I sometimes just don't see the point and don't like the superior attitude some caravanners have because they tow with one, and I don't, and don't wish to.
Mar 14, 2005
I'm sure you meant well with your contribution, Robert, but, after all what has been going on in this forum during the past weeks, I just can't bear to here any more stories about why people buy or don't buy 4x4's any more.
Mar 14, 2005
I'm sure you meant well with your contribution, Robert, but, after all what has been going on in this forum during the past weeks, I just can't bear to here any more stories about why people buy or don't buy 4x4's any more.
Sorry, meant to say 'to hear' not 'to here'. When are we going to get an EDIT function in this forum?
Mar 14, 2005
Not all 4 X 4s are gas guzzling

The X-Trail does up to 40 to the gallon (I get 37)and servicing is every 12000 miles at about
Jul 12, 2005
Before you read this, I am not pro or anti 4x4. these are my points of view and I value others regardless of agreement or not.

I don't think your intentions are well meaning, it appears to me that you are just pointing out that you don't agree with the 4x4's. but here are some facts that need pointing out!

I also tow with a Rover (MG ZT) but the wife's discovery is better on fuel, costs a LOT less to service, tyres are half the price, and it tows our 1770kg van without any real safty issue. oh, and it cost less new!

I love the MG as it tows at any speed and with great comfort, but the discovery is just so much more for the money.

I do agree with your comments on the CC, when we first rallied with them, one of the first things said to us was "not a very suitable tow car, is it?" (the MG that is) but we did get the last laugh as we left and pulled straight up the very steep hill to see the idiot with the comment dissappear into the distance behind us as he struggled to gain any speed.

People buy what they think is best for what they want to do, I love my MG, the wife loves her Disco. we agree that our family is safer while towing with the disco, and to me, that is the most important thing, not what others think or say.


Please do not take this post in a bad way, this is my opinion and is not fueled by the 4x4 ranting on this site
Mar 14, 2005
hi Lutz

"WE " may have been through this before but as many of "US" go away for extended periods "I" have not got involved in expressing my opinion so far.

I seem to have missed all of the deleted posts and am amazed at the level of bickering that has ensued.

No further comment
Aug 1, 2005
Steve, I have to disagree on some of your points here. My sisters Disco is far more expensive to service than my Rover 45, and as for tyres they must be very cheap and nasty ones you use as budget tyres for my Rover start at


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