As an ex-HGV driver who'se job involved reversing large articulated lorries into some awkward places at times, the one top tip that I'd add to David Motton's advice would be to try to arrange to reverse into a pitch space with the drivers side nearest to the pitch whenever possible, the opposite to that shown in the diagram.
Sometimes the layout means that this is not possible, so there's no other choice but to reverse from the 'blind side' as shown in the diagram on the article, but if the choice presents itself, perhaps by initially approaching from an on-site 'lane' next to yours, I usually try to have the pitch on my side so that I can see the rear corner of the caravan as I reverse into my pitch.
When I drove articulated lorries, a drive round the block to approach my entrance from the drivers side often saved time, effort, and was much safer because I could see the banksman (if I had one) and into the available space which the rear of my trailer was entering.