Hunstanton North Norfolk coast

May 21, 2008
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North Norfolk is one of the areas we haven't visited before and we would like to go there in the next month or so.

Can anyone recommend a site with good loo's that are disabled friendly. It's probably a tall order at this time of year as quite a lot shut down for winter.

Many thanks

Apr 9, 2006
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Hi to you both.
For a site with good disabled facilities your best bet would probably be the Caravan Club Site at Sandringham, as a good base from which to explore the area.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Steve,

We were in north Norfolk for a week in mid September. Great place, and Sandringham house and grounds are worth a visit. Just a word to the wise, if you are interested in visiting the coastal beaches, do your home work concerning disabled access. In many locations the access for wheelchair or the mobility challenged is difficult.

There is generally plenty of parking, but blue badge holders invariably have to pay in most car parks, but as its the off season you may find on street parking without restrictions just away from the town centers.

In some places if you purchase a ticket with enough time it will transfer to other car parks operated by the same authority, so its worth reading the terms and conditions.

Some of the parking wardens are bit quick of the mark, we stopped in one town, and I had got out to get the pay and display ticket, and when I got back to the car my wife told me the warden had asked where the ticket was!!

Can recommend the fish and chips at French's quay front shop in Wells Nest The Sea.
Apr 9, 2006
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If you make it along the coast road as far as Cley-next-the-Sea, Norfolk Wildlife Trust Centre has disabled parking places in the car park, close to the entrance, with electric door opening and a lift to the left as you go in, to take you up to the shop, toilets and cafe, which does good food. It has glass windows running the whole length of the cafe seating area, where you can look out over the vast reed beds of the reserve, towards the sea. This is a good place to see Marsh Harriers flying over the reeds.
The reserve itself is accessible by wheelchairs and mobility scooters along boardwalks to 3 hides. There is a small charge to go onto the reserve (accessible across the road from the lower car park), free to Norfolk Wildlife Trust members. Take binoculars, if you have any.
At the moment there is a fair amount of building work going on with a new education centre, to be built at the back and side of the main centre. but the car park is still in operation, with disabled parking as usual. The Centre opens at 10am each morning.

Closer to the Hunstanton end of the Norfolk coast is the RSPB reserve at Titchwell, which again has wheelchair and mobility scooter access along a good pathway. The December storm surge washed away a boardwalk and viewing area at the very end of the track and is now cordoned off, but the pathway has great views either side, all the way down to the Parinder hide, with plenty of birds to see quite close by. Look out for Bearded Reedlings in the first reedbed on the right as you go down the path.
There is a shop and cafe (try the bacon and cheese baguette - delicious!) If the weather is fine, there are picnic tables outside the cafe. The toilets are on the side of the entrance road.
You don't have to be a birdwatcher to enjoy these two places, but it could be the beginnings of a great new hobby!
Jul 11, 2006
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The Old Brick Kilns at Little Barney which is very nice and well equipped but a tad pricey.
There is a CC affiliated site on Fakenham Racecourse, and another at West Runton between Sherringham and Cromer, also a number of CL's with facilities around Fakenham.
There is a C&CC site also at Sandringham adjacent to the CC site.

If you are a member of CC or C&CC have a browse on their sites. Also look at,, and where you may find something suitable. :)


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