If they want it they'll get it!

Mar 8, 2009
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Copied this picture from a face book entry:- My caravan was stolen last night, Bailey Pegasus Verona 2012. Taken from Coombe Bissett Salisbury. Had Alko Wheel lock, Millenco Wheel lock, and Hitch lock. They cut through lock with a gas cutter
We hear of so many thefts but but don't often see pictures of the security devices after,but here's one.

Nov 11, 2009
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First time I've heard of one with Alko wheel lock being stolen. They were clearly well prepared. Not much you can do against such "professionals"
Sep 4, 2017
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Sad news, does not make me feel any better myself about rampant decline in morals and ethics in the UK. Anyway IMO you are right, if they want it they will take it! However if I can find a simple motion sensor and tilt alarm that has or can be linked to a sim card to text me the minute it is disturbed at least early intervention "of sorts" is possible. Next best IMO is tracker over and above that. I can tell you things are different where I was born in South Africa, they take a big risk doing this sort of thing! Houses, cars and vans are fitted with alarms and every neighbourhood has what is called an "Armed response" team just round the corner. Having said that it brings into focus on JUST HOW safe things are here in the UK. 500000 touring vans and ONLY 1500 roughly stolen each year! Not good news if you are one of those 1500 though.


Mar 14, 2005
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Quote " things are different where I was born in South Africa, they take a big risk doing this sort of thing! Houses, cars and vans are fitted with alarms and every neighbourhood has what is called an "Armed response" team just round the corner "

Yes things are certainly different in the UK, the different Governments have decimated the Police forces around the country and have virtually left the Law in limbo.
Many crimes are no longer investigated, you are just given a Crime Number to pass on to your Insurance Company !
Also, we in the UK have taken Human Rights to mean that criminals have many more than law abiding citizens,,,,thank you all the tree huggers !!
Caravan theft is seen as ultra low on the scale of "badness" and in some peoples view only affects the better off, so they can afford it !!

I cannot remember the last time I saw a Policeman "On The Beat", around our area , I do see the occasional one in a car racing to nowhere now and again, and even when travelling around I hardly ever see a Patrol Car on the motorways, lots of cameras though !!
May 7, 2012
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I am sorry to here of the loss. The ALKO wheel lock is just about the best in the business and overcoming this is very rare. The only better bet is a Milenco one filled with concrete which can be used at home,although no good for touring.
The thieves must have been very determined to take this one as there must have been far easier targets about, and thieves will usually go for the easiest one, although they will also look at the chances of being seen or disturbed.
This would have taken some time to achieve and for the caravan at five years old is puzzling and must have been a specific requirement. It would be too small and the wrong layout for traveller's own use and too old for most others.
There are no rules though and all you can do is try your best to avoid thefts.
Sep 4, 2017
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Absolutely agree! I can just imagine the heat generated in conversation if we ever ended up in the same site over a bottle of wine or so! Chow!
Jul 22, 2014
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Grey13 said:
Can you tell me how you add a picture like this to a post? Please!
I believe we are still waiting for official advice from the site administrators. They used to advise a link from Photobucket, but Photobucket (and I believe some other photo-hosting websites) have now stopped such links inless you pay a substantial subscription for a premium account.

But the principle remains the same. You cannot upload pictures to this site's own web storage. However, you can place a link in your post to a picture stored anywhere else (if it is allowed) and it will then appear in your post. So you need to put your picture somewhere else first, eg into your own cloud or web server space. Then surround the link address to the picture with [i-m-g] and [/i-m-g] (but leave out those dashes, which I put in to stop it trying to find an actual image here).

ISPs used to provide web server space as part of the deal. Unfortunately that has been largely overtaken by the likes of Facebook and Photobucket which want you to use themselves as your effective web space (it is part of Mark Zuckerberg's scheme to control the World). Only professionally oriented (and more costly) ISPs now offer web space with the deal, or you can buy web space separately.
Nov 16, 2015
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If I was to turn up to my caravan, after being alerted by my tracker /alam. To find some one with a blowmtorch. Then its 999 and orft to the nearest pub. And wait to see what happpens.
Sep 4, 2017
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EH5, exactly what I was saying, "some sort of intervention" call the cops! Early intervention could well save the van!


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