Illuminated switch on fridge

Mar 27, 2005
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Hi All

This is as much an observation as a question but I would welcome anybodies ideas/thoughts on the subject.

The Electrolux fridge in my van has a switch that lights up green when on hook-up. I can only assume that this switch must have at least a 60 if not a 100watt bulb in it. I am convinced it gives out nearly as much light as all the other lighting units in the van put together. I have taken to wearing sun glasses in bed at night and smearing all the family with sun cream.

Seriously though we just drape a oven glove over it but I did wonder if others had the same problem and how they get over it, and does anyone know why it is so bright?
Mar 14, 2005
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had the same problem with last van,done the same as you,covered it up with piece of cardboard which solved the problem.must be able to take out bulb,but then you wouldn't know if it was working or not until it cooled,just cover it over.
Mar 14, 2005
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Yup, Blackpool is just as green with jealousy at the thought of the glow in every van.

I cured ours by hanging the teatowel over the edge of the worksurface.(Suitably weighted on the top by the discarded wine bottle or two.)

Added advantage is that by consuming the vino it makes staying in bye bye land sooooooo much easier.
Mar 14, 2005
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We're all different aren't we. I am pleased the light is bright. It gives a soft green glow at night so that I can find my way to the bathroom without tripping up.

The new fridges being fitted now don't have a warning light and so you have to wait an hour or so after hooking up to find out if the fridge is working or not.

A blob of paint on the switch will dim it considerably.
Mar 14, 2005
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re the green glow from the on switch for the electrolux fidge, does not mean the fridge is working, as we found out when we lost all our frozen food during a trip,away, ended up buying a new fridge.
Aug 2, 2006
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Hi Folks, We used to use the insde of a small matchbox to cover the green light, fits a treat, new van dos'nt have a light.
Mar 14, 2005
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In answer to your question "Why is the light so bright". It is bright so it can be seen that the fridge is working on a bright sunny day. This means, as everyone, except Electrolux, knows, the light is far too bright at night. I have never understood why the makers dont fit a simple flip-down dimming lens for night use, would only cost a couple of pennies.


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