This is a bit of a how long is a piece of string question, but given that it is perfectly legal to tow at 65 or even 70+ mph in france, is it safe? Do they have more accidents over there than us Brits?
Is speed a contributing factor to caravan accidents? Speed certainly contributes to reactions and stopping times but is it more likely to cause a snake?
OK youve got to be a complete muppet to tow downhill at 70mph, but what about along a flat, straight road that is devoid of trafic? Is the vean just as likely to develope a snake at 50 than 70? I realise that'possibly' a snake might be easier to control at 50.
I towed across France last year and kept my speed around the 65 mph mark yet other caravanners (usually Dutch or Belgium)were flying past me.
Is speed a contributing factor to caravan accidents? Speed certainly contributes to reactions and stopping times but is it more likely to cause a snake?
OK youve got to be a complete muppet to tow downhill at 70mph, but what about along a flat, straight road that is devoid of trafic? Is the vean just as likely to develope a snake at 50 than 70? I realise that'possibly' a snake might be easier to control at 50.
I towed across France last year and kept my speed around the 65 mph mark yet other caravanners (usually Dutch or Belgium)were flying past me.