Is it me or is everything just OTT these days?

Nov 7, 2005
Permit me a rant - I'm in the mood...

I'm sitting here on November 2, and fireworks are blasting the night peace, causing mayhem among animals everywhere. My dogs are going berserk - and anything that upsets my dogs upsets me.

There's Saturday and Sunday and there's Monday (the actual Bonfire Night when we expect them), but no, the morons out there can't wait and have to have them tonight as well. Louder the better, of course.

I open the papers and we're into six months of daily coverage of Madeleine. Tragic yes, but tragedy is all around us and never have the papers clung so veraciously to one instance of it.

On another page, Heather is blithering at her bad press and compares herself to Kate McCann and Princess Diana. No comparison dear.

I switch on the telly and the 24 hour news programme make the proverbial drama out of minescule news items. If they don't we'll all switch off - but I am doing anyway. God deliver us from Sky News.

Then there's the soaps - used to be a couple of times a week, and just about bearable. Now wall to wall, specially extended specials, twice a night, screeching and weeping and all outdoing each other for sensational drama. There's docusoaps on the soaps. Award nights for the soaps. Me, utterly soaped-out.

In the real world, there are unbelievable tragedies of kids (aged 7, for God's sake) being killed crossing motorways, and adults being swept away by killer seas. Absolutely terrible, but were these accidents waiting to happen. A little forethought and all that...

I drive to work, and sit for hours going nowhere in jams. I try the train and have to let two pull out because there's no room to get on.

A police chief advocating tougher penalties for motoring offences gets charged with - doing 90 in a 60 limit, his third offence. A Home Office Minister is fined for using his mobile while driving. Well, everyone else seems to - (no, I don't, I'm sure you don't either.)

The Met Police is found guilty of Health and Safety (what!!) crimes for shooting dead an innocent Brazilian. No-one takes responsibility. The Met are fined, so will have to put up their precept - money they'll demand from us - next time round. Tragedy for Jean Charles indeed, but if this had have have happened in Rio he would be just another statistic in the toll of more than 900 people shot there by police - many questionable - this year alone. Here, a police force is being brought to its knees to the glee of the usual rent-a-crowd.

I turn to the refuge of the PC Forum - but most regulars seem to have left and others are saying goodbye. A seemingly innocuous interchange with like-minded Swedish folk turns into a diplomatic incident.

What IS the world coming to?

There, feel better now - time for a drink and a bacon butty. Oh can't do that, it'll kill me...

Me, a grumpy old man, like those lambasted elsewhere on the Forum? No, I'm just practising...!!
May 21, 2007
I've just tuned in Col,

It's now November 12th and guess what I live near Daventry and there were more loud fireworks last night...........
Jun 28, 2007
I have to say , although we were away this year for bonfire week. The Saturday before was very quiet near me.

In the last few years we've had virtually a week of rockpropelled grenades going off for both bonfire and Diwali.

This year and , to a degree last , it was not as intense. I think the 'I must have big and better' brigade have moved on to the next many fairy lights can I decorate my house with!!!! I jest not , one house is lit up like a christmas tree on steroids.
Aug 24, 2007
In reply to John (5Nov) I agree with him and ban the b....y things. My son in New South Wales Australia says they are banned there so why can't they be banned here. Ken
Nov 7, 2005
Interesting point Kenneth. I wonder if there is a campaigning group to get them banned or restricted here. If there was, I would support it!

A good compromise would be to severely limit the explosive content. Why does a firework have to end with a series of earth-shaking blasts? A spectacular firework will be still be spectacular without the objectionable explosions that terrify so many animals.
Mar 14, 2005
What a miserable bunch of grumpy old people - think back to when you were children. Didn't you have fireworks, bonfire night, etc. and didn't you leave some off before November 5th. Regarding the rest of the initial posting - it is a free world (at present) if you don't like it sod off somewhere else. For goodness sake get a life and live and let live. I don't like the soaps, etc. on TV but I'm not complaining, I just switch off or change the channel. News is what sells the media - if you don't like what you are reading/watching/listening don't buy the paper/TV/radio. I am not interested in sport so I do not read the sports pages of the paper but I do not complain because there are people who like sport and will read the paper for the sport.

There is more to life than just sitting back and moaning - get up off your backside and find something that you enjoy - the world does not owe you anything - it is up to you to enjoy the world so get out there and enjoy yourself. This life is far better than the alternative.
May 21, 2007
Turn off the telly!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't read the paper!!!!!!!!

I suppose if we don't like the big bangs we could emigrate to Daventry.......................................
Jul 11, 2005
What a miserable bunch of grumpy old people - think back to when you were children. Didn't you have fireworks, bonfire night, etc. and didn't you leave some off before November 5th. Regarding the rest of the initial posting - it is a free world (at present) if you don't like it sod off somewhere else. For goodness sake get a life and live and let live. I don't like the soaps, etc. on TV but I'm not complaining, I just switch off or change the channel. News is what sells the media - if you don't like what you are reading/watching/listening don't buy the paper/TV/radio. I am not interested in sport so I do not read the sports pages of the paper but I do not complain because there are people who like sport and will read the paper for the sport.

There is more to life than just sitting back and moaning - get up off your backside and find something that you enjoy - the world does not owe you anything - it is up to you to enjoy the world so get out there and enjoy yourself. This life is far better than the alternative.
What with all that noise about!!

Mar 14, 2005
increasingly believe that for a number of reasons we should be moving towards banning the sale of fireworks for private use, and only licensing organised displays that can only take place on a limited number of evenings in the year.

Despite the changes to the legislation that should limit the sales of fireworks to over18's various people (usually younger teenagers) have been obtaining them, and misusing them. Throwing them in the streets, posting lighted fire works through peoples letterboxes tying them to horses tails, and generally performing criminal acts which frighten and maim innocent people and animals.

I do not have the figures but I sense from friends that work in the emergency services that the number of firework related incidents is not decreasing.

When I was young I recall that fireworks were generally only used on 5th November or the nearest weekend, it seems in my area that we now have a firework season that stretched from the middle of October through to middle of November, with a re-emergence around New Year. This extended period is having a knock on effect to owners of livestock, how do they protect their animals from the noise and disturbance for such a lengthened period. Some domestic animals are very frightened by the bangs. It must also affect wild animals.

I want people to be able to enjoy a firework display, I want them to be safe at the event, but I also want there to be less incidents where fire works are deliberately misused. Sadly our society has changed, I feel that there is less consideration given to others, and that demonstrated in so many ways.

If what I have written makes me a kill joy then so be it.
Mar 14, 2005
John I will agree with you entirly with what you said regarding the misuse of fireworks and the criminal acts/damage done by mindless morons. My previous posting was aimed at the considerate majority of people who do not carry out these mindless acts. Unfortunately there will always. these days. be a minority who spoil it for the majority. These morons should be severely punished and made examples of to others. Again any financial punishment will only be paid by the likes of you and I because these morons are generally claiming all the benefits under the sun and too damn lazy to work but rather carry on around the neighbourhood crating havoc i.e. the lowest form of civilised life.
Mar 27, 2005
I have no intension of getting into a debate on this old chestnut of a subject but for the record the RoSPA release figures for firework related accidents and since 2001 the trend has been for a steady drop (1362 in 2001 to 990 in 2005) this despite increased sales.

Out of interest in 2001 368,245 people were bitten by dogs and the figure is rising each year

I deal with the farming community on a regular basis and I can tell you they are on the whole not bothered unless it's lambing season, we then respect their concern and do not fire displays. Most other wildlife is unaffected.

As Colin rightly says it is up to the powers that be to tackle the anti social element but if people want to let of fireworks while adhering to the rules laid down then live and let live I say.

It might also be worth mentioning that rules in the rest of the EU concerning fireworks are very open, no noise restrictions, display fireworks available to the public etc etc.


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