Is your 'van road taxed?

Feb 17, 2007
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Just heard of someone being told that his 'van was illegally parked on the road outside his house as it was not connected to a car - the problem being the car road tax only covers the 'van when it is hitched up.

Can any one shed any light on this please ?
Apr 13, 2005
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dont know the law but i was told you could only leave the van for a short period of time on the road without the car attached and if it was at night you had to display lights.
Mar 14, 2005
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It has nothing to do with the road tax.

A caravan left on a public road can be charged with causing an obstruction.

In my area you are allowed to leave it on the road prior to going on holiday and when you return.

As has been stated lights should be displayed at night.
Mar 4, 2006
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I thought Road Tax (actually Vehicle Excise Duty) was based on engine size and/or Carbon Emmisions, they would have difficulty in finding an exhaust pipe to do an emmision test on a caravan!
Nov 6, 2005
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A caravan doesn't have to be taxed or insured to be used or parked on the public highway. Like bicycles, they don't have engines.

No vehicle has any "right" to park on the highway. The definition of obstruction is "preventing others passing over that piece of road" so can be applied to anything if necessary.

As already stated, caravans parked on the public highway must be lit at night, even in a built-up area with street lights as the lighting exemption for cars doesn't apply.

Trailers do pay road tax - the additional fuel used when towing has already had fuel duty paid!
Mar 14, 2005
I don't suppose that many people go abroad without taking out separate insurance coverage for the caravan, but for the few that do, a word of warning. So long as the caravan is hitched up to the car it is covered by UK third party coverage on the car. However, if it is parked in the road without being attached to the car it is treated as an uninsured vehicle and, for insurance purposes, most countries do not distinguish between a motor vehicle and a trailer. So long nothing happens, probably nobody will care, but should there be an accident involving the parked caravan (on its own), one could be in for a lot of trouble.
Jul 5, 2006
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I don't suppose that many people go abroad without taking out separate insurance coverage for the caravan, but for the few that do, a word of warning. So long as the caravan is hitched up to the car it is covered by UK third party coverage on the car. However, if it is parked in the road without being attached to the car it is treated as an uninsured vehicle and, for insurance purposes, most countries do not distinguish between a motor vehicle and a trailer. So long nothing happens, probably nobody will care, but should there be an accident involving the parked caravan (on its own), one could be in for a lot of trouble.
Hi All,

Vehicle Excise Duty is applicable to motor vehicles.A caravan (which is technically a trailer) is a vehicle but not a MOTOR vehicle, hence there is no requirement for it to have an excise licence.


Feb 17, 2007
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Many thanks to all for your comments - seems parking a 'van on the road should rely on common sense by the owner and neighbours rather than getting the law involved.

Mike E


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