Its rotten!

Jan 2, 2006
Nothing to do with vans but when getting my mower out I found that the bottom three lathes on my shed are rotten.They are the type that are about 1 centimetre thick on one edge and 4 mill on the other,I have no idea where to get replacements anyone got any ideas as I cant recall seeing them in the DIY stores.
Mar 14, 2005
Any good timber merchant would be able to provide them - they are generally sawn timber but make sure they are tannelised. More to the point what are you worrying about the lawn for in your condition - take it easy mate - the lawn can be cut again. Alternatively ask the district nurses to cut the lawn for you.
Jan 19, 2008
Sounds like you mean shiplap. As Colyn said, timber merchants or a good DIY store. Just an idea, but can't Colyn lend you a couple of sheep for the grass. Hehheh!

:O( .... Sorry Colyn, couldn't resist it. OK I'll be good from now on :O)
Aug 13, 2007
O( .... Sorry Colyn, couldn't resist it. OK I'll be good from now on :O)

Yea & it looks like it might snow on those flying pigs :eek:) lol
Jan 2, 2006
Hey guys you should know me by now I always like to be a cut above the rest.Actually my daughter cuts the lawns I just wanted to check the oil and petrol levels.

I asked the district nurse about cutting it but she seemed to get the wrong idea and produced a scalpel so I hurried her out of the door!

I will try timber merchants as soon as I can get my chauffer to drive me to one as of course I still am not allowed to drive which makes me bored.(get it bored/board,oh forget it. lol)


Mar 14, 2005
I thought a man of your calibre employed a full-time gardener, not a poor slip of a girl being forced by her dad to do it.

Very disappointed of Nottingham.
Jan 2, 2006
She has to pay for her keep somehow including washing ,ironing,cooking,car washing fetching my paper etc in her spare time she does the garden.
Jan 19, 2008
I've just twigged what you are all on about saying knot and board. I thought you were all barking up the wrong tree because the post was about a shed.

Anyway Plotts, any branch of Jewsons or similar you will get the planks of wood you need. Don't you get attempting to repair it until you are better or you'll be sapping your strength. You have to take care bud :O)

By the way, you will have to get to the root cause of why they went rotten in the first place. The trunk of the problem will be rainwater .... hehheh! :OP
Mar 14, 2005
Plotter before replacing any affected timber you must first determine whether the problem is Serpula Lacrymans or Coniophora Puteana (often referred to as Coniophora Cerebella). If the problem is Serpula Lacrymans than it is a major defect and all timber within a metre of the last signs of the fungi must be removed and burnt. All remaining timber and the new timber must be suitably treated against the reoccurance of the fungi. If the problem is Coniophora Puteana then the solution is far more straight forward. Just cut out all affected timber, treat rest with suitable preservative as well as treating the new timber. However it is necessary to find out what has been the initial cause of the problem and eradicate that prior to fitting any new timber. Your best bet is to build a concrete block/brick shed and be done with it.
Jan 2, 2006
Failing that a gallon of petrol and a match,make that a cup of petrol with todays prices.

I think with petrol the way it isthey should bring back green shield stamps.

The shed problem is due to the water running off the roof hitting the bottom boards due to the junk stuck down the side of the shed.
Jan 2, 2006
Yeah so you think I am going to believe you dont know.

I thought I had the timber sorted for free because it said on the traffic news on the radio that the M42 was blocked by a lorries shed load but I went and there wasn't a shed anywhere.
Mar 14, 2005
Failing that a gallon of petrol and a match,make that a cup of petrol with todays prices.

I think with petrol the way it isthey should bring back green shield stamps.

The shed problem is due to the water running off the roof hitting the bottom boards due to the junk stuck down the side of the shed.
Or S&H Pink Stamps
Oct 17, 2006
What are you lot trying to do poor Plotter, his recovering, and your suggesting he builds a new shed or repairs old one.

P.S What are Green Shields Plotter???? hehehe

Jan 2, 2006
Blocked the road,do you mean as in block paved?

Liz they have no sympathy for my plight and expect me to repair the shed I only asked how to get the timber I was going to get my daughter to repair it as part of her keep.

Not sure about the stamps other than my grandfather told me about them being given with petrol and you exchanged them for gods for example one book of stamps for a Bailey.2 for an Avondale,3 for an Elldis an 45 for an Abbey
Oct 17, 2006
Oh Plotter ,now I know you have not been well, and you deserve all the sympathy, but that's a little harsh don't you think getting your Daughter repair your shed, could you not get the above gents get them to give you a hand., they seem to know where to get timber, blocks etc. Back of a Lorry. Hehehe

p.s thanks for clearing up the matter regarding Green Shield Stamps, still not got a clue what your on about hehehe. I Lie.
Mar 14, 2005
I still have tucked away somewhere in the house two books of S&H Pink Stamps from Regent petrol stations and Fine Foods supermarkets. Are they worth anything now as a collectors item? I'll start the auction now by inviting bids - ebay take too much of a percentage cut from the selling price so I will auction them here without paying PC, just slip a couple of quid to the mods to turn a blind eye.
Jan 2, 2006
Colin,I had forgoten the pink stamps,I remember green shield was revived a few years ago but failed to catch on,you never know they might do the same with S&H so hold onto them.They might have quad stamps although I doubt Regent will come back.


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