What a plonker I am! We have just had a new pageant bordeaux and upon setting up for the first time found we had not given thought as to where the rubbish bin was to go. The last van had an end bathroom in which we placed a small flip top bin, but alas no immedite position in new van. In my wisdom I decided that the caravan door pull knob thing made a sound hanger for a tesco bag in which to shove rubbish prior to dropping in site bin. All was well until Teenage son and heir put a peanut butter jar in the bag and then decided to exit to site facilities in usual teenage fashion. First - door flung open and thud the bag swings into the side of the van. Second, door slammed shut and heavy bag swings to other side of door. Following tears and shamefull drive home with appropriate apology from aforesaid teenager ( In the style of typical Kevin type tone SORRRY - it was a stupid place to hang it and its not my fault) I purchased 2 reflectors which cover the dints but as they are not at the same height look a bit rubbish. Firstly, Does anyone know if dummy vent grilles can be obtained which will cover one of the dints, secondly, does anyone have any suggestions as to where a bin can go inside the van and thirdly what are the views about leaving teenagers at home (16) as he promises to have no wild parties, consume no booze, look after the house and be home by 9.00 every night (honest dad you can trust me).