Jade Goodie. A statue???

Jun 29, 2004
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It is proposed that a statue of the afor said be erected outside Westminster to celibrate the culmination of Tony's ten year contribution to education.

Dec 16, 2003
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Norfolk Mike

I just called Jade for you and she wants to know if

" Westminster is near Ilminster" an she "nowes" thats in cider country, "I's is not sure like what country that's inside but I fink its like a foreign place" she said!

"Well is jus like East Angela or Spaniard and thas not nice or fair"

" Can I have it in London instead ? "

I did try and explain and then also explained she would be mounted on a plinth for all to see.

"**** that, I got me kebabs out first time on Big Bruva but I'm not into that an I fawt u said it was a statue of me not my Jack as well"

" wot if I get paid, well spose its OK then. But I dwanna offend no of them Muswell's as they dun like that sort of fing. Speak to my agent and may be we can do a deal for cash"


As a symbol of Tony's legacy to the nation then she could fit the bill quite nicely., although there are other equally deserving candidates.

However, before everyone gets too smug it should be recognised that she only achieved her fame, and therefore entry to this Show by winning a previous show of this type, so on that occasion was extremely popular with certain sections of the public, namely those who actually watch that type of programme. So her behaviour, although slightly more extreme on this latter occasion, was well known and accepted. I also read that there are moves afoot to have her 'rehabilitated' by various acts of contrition. After all if Kate Moss can remain a junky and still get paid millions then what does it matter a few nasty words. The great British TV public love it and are certainly getting what they deserve.
Sep 13, 2006
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I only watched the Friday episode as I thought it might be entertaining for a change.

Could someone please enlighten me - does she always sit there playing with her rather expensive new additions or did they just concentrate on this in this programme and it really was just a few occasions?


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