kia sorrento (chipped for better mpg)

Mar 30, 2005
hi does anyone know were this can be done,i have been ofered a sorrento with this fitted,which he claims a 25% better mpg is this true or just sales bluff,regards


Mar 14, 2005
Cant comment on the mpg, but it is worth checking with your insurance company to find out what effect the chip would have on the insurance premium.
Mar 14, 2005
I wouldn't think that Kia were that daft not to offer the car ex-works with the best possible mpg. If there is room for improvement then only because some other performance characteristic suffers as a result and there has been a trade-off.
Mar 16, 2005
short answer... no. but if its been remapped proper, then there

is a possibility that your mpg would be better,but no where near

Mar 30, 2005
hi just to update on the sorrento,seller also claims that this would not affect the warrenty thats left(2 years).asking him about the chipping he says that the car now returns an average of 46mpg,which is about the same as our c_max.after reading your comments guys i think i will give it a wide berth.regards


Mar 14, 2005
Have a look on the Sorento owners web site, whilst the manufacturer quotes 43mpg the general feed back from owners is 26 -33 at best. As to the chip not affecting the remaining warranty I would check with Kia direct .
Apr 13, 2005
Hi John, I have the dual system power upgrade chip for my seat alhambra which has increased power from 130 bhp to 172 bhp and given me an extra 104 pound of torque, the upgrade has also incresed my mpg by around 10 % as long as i do not exploit the extra power. in short i have a more economical car as i do not need to rev it so high and i also have the extra power when needed eg towing, but if i do use the extra power the car will drink the fuel for fun dropping as low as 35 mpg but then again it does cause a smile when i am able to pass some rather more expensive machines and they see tdi on the back door.

you should of course check with your insurance and manufacturer that the upgrade is ok to use, my insurance stayed the same they just made a note of it, one very good plus point of the dual system chip is that you have the upgrade module at all times so you can switch the ecu back to normal if you wish, like if the car needs a service or the mot is due you just reprograme the ecu to standard and the emmisions are once again back to the limits on the log book so your tax stayes the same as a standard car. 25% is a wild claim really i think the seller is trying to pull a fast one, as i say i get 10 % and my dad who had the official mitsubishi upgrade done on his shogun gets about 10 % better mpg so i would say this is about the average.
Mar 28, 2005
Hi John, my experience with my chipped Peugeot 406 (or to be more accurate a re-map) is much the same as Icemakers, lots of extra power, slightly improved MPG but if I start hoofing it, greatly increased MPG.

In theory it is possible to do a re-map solely to improve MPG by up to 25% or even more but this would result in a massive loss in power.
Mar 14, 2005
Chipping will only invalidate your warranty if it is the cause of the problem. By remapping the engine you can with certain makes such as LR make up for the fact that the ecu mapping is set up to run on th elowest quality fuel worldwide. In the UK fuel quality is good. What you do have to be careful of are those tuners who just turn up the turbo pressure and increase fueling. But you can get good power and reasonable mpg improvements if the mapping is done correctly. Unfortunately many tuners just concentrate on bhp. Look at forums for your car and I'm sure plenty will have had it done and can give you their feedback.
Jul 4, 2005
Not intending to try and sell from the forum, just to clarify. We are a group dealership in Cornwall. We have Renault, Mitsubishi, Seat, Suzuki, and the defunct MG Rover Franchises.

For the past 18 months we have been selling and fitting a Power Upgrade product called P Box, Manufactured by a Austrian Company called Steinbauher.

Each box is manf specifically to fit each model of car and plugs into the wiring loom of the vehicle. No wires need to be cut or modified, it simply "Plug and Play"

The unit for the Kia Sorento increases the BHP from 140 to 169bhp and a torque increase of 343 to 410nm, quite an improvement.

The manufacturers warranty is only affected if a fault can be attributed (caused) by the fitting of the 'P-Box'. In our experience we have fitted in excess of 600 units and have not experienced any issues whatsoever.

I have a box fitted to my Renault Espace lifting the bhp from 176 to a respectable 212bhp, I have never experienced a single problem and tows our Abbey perfectly.

As mentioned in an earlier post if you 'hammer' the vehicle you will use more fuel, if you drive conservativley, and use the extra BHP to pull you over the hills and along the flat you will see an increase in fuel economy of approx 10 - 15% (we have carried out our own trials on identical Hymer motorhomes)

Insurance: Again in our experience, You must inform your insurers in writing. We have never yet known an increase in premium through the upgrade being fitted, but you MUST inform them of any upgrade to your vehicle, even a set of alloy wheels!!!

Lots of other upgrade manufacturers boast enormous increases in bhp, again experince tells us to steer well clear of these products. The power they deliver far exceeds the vehicle manufacturers tolerances and can cause serious problems with the vehicles Drive Train.

Every Steinbauher P-Box is manufactured within the vehicles tolerances, so does not exert extra stress on the drivetrain systems.

Sorry, but ive got to put this in, as I could go on forvever, if you do require a brochure or more info feel free to email me direct at


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