sadie wrote. "I'm not bothered about what you think g, my post was about bad driving and lack of thought for ALL road users."
What utter tosh, had this been what you had actually wrote about in your original post,you would have had my total agreement,so please do not now try to turn the event around and make it out to be so.
Indeed the mere fact I pointed out the illegalities of the freelander towing and speeding in the outside lane,had you making comparisons with a fresh topic of lorries tail gating,and not as you now claim, "all road users" tail gating!.
Had your topic been about ALL forms of inconsiderate driving, then you would have made the point about the freelander being driven badly and inconsiderate! You merely pointed out that the driver was frustrated, so that's al right then if he then becomes a danger to other! You might want to read your original post again!
Indeed when I then pointed out that cars tailgate too!Again you made a point, of differentiating the dangers!
You even made a silly point of using FRENCH road laws to justify what you had said about the freelander,being safer in the outside lane, than two lorries side by side and swaying slightly. something that happens to many units with trailers including caravans,but we are in Britain! not France!
No you were definitely attacking HGV drivers and them alone,as they seemed to get in YOUR way" You turned what is after all inconsiderate driving into dangerous driving!
We already know there are plenty of idiots driving out there, no group of drivers are safe from them,and indeed you have dropped a few hints concerning not wanting to meet me on the road!
Pretty insulting stuff really from someone who often talks about speeding safely!and disregarding speeding laws, because you believe it OK!.
I also made a point of saying I did not believe your quote of a 22 mile side by side rolling road block solely because of two lorries!
On past experience,you would normally give a time and place,but on this occasion no such information has been given! wonder why!
So I will wish everybody a merry and safe Christmas too, and watch out for ALL the idiots out there, be safe