Laser 650 (2021 model)

Feb 23, 2021
Help with onboard water pump(s) location.

Does anybody know the location of the two Whale water pumps on the Coachman Laser 650. I have looked everywhere, they used to be under the front bench seat on my Buccaneer Schooner, but for the life of me I can't find them. I've also searched everywhere online without success. The onboard tank and pressure switch are under the sink unit behind a pan draw (crazy place I know?).

The reason for asking is that my 'external pump' is not working [internal is] and need to locate it to check if there is a bad connection, inline fuse blown, or something else more obvious before either taking the caravan back to the main dealer (bit of a faff), or finding it and taking just the pump in for exchange/replacement under warranty.

Any help most gratefully appreciated, as being an experienced caravaner and DIY maintenance wiz, I'm amazed that I can't find the pumps!

Last edited:
Feb 23, 2021
I would have a word with the dealer if no one on here can help.
Thank you, have been trying, including Coachman support, so far I've drawn a blank. The dealer is supposed to be calling me back on Monday so hopefully they'll tell me where they are. Their technical people said as it was a 2021 it was too new and they didn't have the information, which sounded very poor to me and a cop-out


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