Last Day

Nov 2, 2005
Visit site
Hi All
Well, were on our last day, off to Baden-Baden. Yes, I know its not Austria, invited hubby in the planning and we got shortened to Bavaria, then he asked a friend, and we have been in germany.
First visit an very nice, I was a lot grumpy not getting to austria, but now i know what its like next maybe.

We got stopped last night by police Lutz, We were coming back from strasbourg can't remember the road and was asked if we had anything to declare, didn't know what was contraband so we said no. LOL
anyway got to go BBFN
Mar 14, 2005
Visit site
Came home via Dieppe last week. - Customs people very keen to know about tobacco and wine. Produced a large bag of recepits and offerd to find two more similar (January, February, March+April) - they checked that they were actually supermarket recepits but not in any detail and went away. Didn't do any security checks on the van. it's a fixed bed and in all the years it's been taken abroad no one has ever looked under the bed - into the washroom yes, and in one wall cupboard ! Bit worrying really, I'd be happier if they did look at the big spaces.


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