Law change for UK drivers in France

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May 24, 2014
Apparently they will ban certain colours of vignette at will depending on current levels of pollution. In reality I can see that being chaotic knowing our Gallic cousins.
Nov 11, 2009
How typically French, when is a LEZ not an LEZ? When the wind is blowing strongly I guess or perhaps in July when the inhabitants of Paris are all down "sud"
May 24, 2014
Just a word of note on this topic

I managed to get my application in, had confirmation that it had been received, the money was taken from my bank and I was sent a tracking number from the bureau. When trying to use this tracking number, the site repeatedly tells me it is an incorrect number, so twice I queried this by email which neither have been answered.

Luckily I have a friend in France and speaks fluent French who rang them on my behalf and he was told the number is correct, but it takes up to four weeks for them to enter it onto the system, at which point the tracking number will work.

Two years ago, I applied for the German one via Berlin and it was delivered within 24 hours, which is barely believable, but true.

What a difference between the efficiency levels of the two nations.

This is taking the proverbial and I would strongly advise that if you require one, apply way in advance.
Mar 14, 2005
I've had a quick look at this but don't find it too clear. The restrictions on Paris seem to be the area within the Peripherique but does this mean you can use the periphoique without having a vignette ?

Similarly, the ring roads round Bordeaux.

No I expect there will be signs when you actually get there but for transit routes it would be useful to know in advance. I've raised this with the Foreign Touring Dept of Caravan Club but it will obviously take them a while to respond.

Would also be helpful if the Michelin and Google Map sites could show the zones or even give you an option of planning to avoid them as they do with toll roads.
Nov 6, 2006
otherclive said:
There are lots of freeware photo resizers, although on MAC or Windows there should be an application that allows you to do it. Alternatively scan using a lower resolution, save on Desktop, email to yourself/wife (if you have another email account) and attach the picture. The email client will then ask if you want it small, medium, large or original. Then when you receive the email open and save the attachment, which can then be used for your application. It does get a bit more difficult if the French want exact measurement and file size. They are a bit behind the times as a lot of websites now can accept a range of file sizes and then have their own software to resize it to their precise requirements. I have just had to apply for a visa for India, which for my last three trips was a real pain to achieve the exact size and file size, but is now very much easier. Good Luck

Take a picture with mobile phone. Connect phone to computer and save image. Right click the saved image> Properties to see its current size.

Open 'Paint' then File > open saved image. Click 'Re-size' under Home tab. Adjust say the horizontal value. Save as v2, and check size as above. Repeat using the original image if necessary
May 24, 2014
Hmmmm, scan the pages and stitch them together, open in photoshop, edit image size and "save for web and devices", specifying under 200k. Remember they want all four pages damn them.

I did get to the bottom of the incorrect number finally. The tracking form isnt recognizing British reg numbers, although the incorrect warning appears in the next box down.

So, if you have applied, to track the item, leave the reg number blank and just supply email address and order number. Woks fine except that two weeks down the line, my order is still being processed. Good job I wasnt in a hurry.
May 24, 2014
Still hasnt arrived, month tomorrow since I applied and they took the money.
Oct 8, 2006
Thingy said:
Still hasnt arrived, month tomorrow since I applied and they took the money.

Ditto, but being the French (1) it is not 30 days since you applied and (2) they won't process it until after the 30 days plus postal transit time. I suspect we might start getting them towards the end of this month just before the statute becomes active.
May 24, 2014
Just checked my email, actually you are correct, its not quite a month. However, checking their website with the now working tracking number, my application is in process. Glad they are taking it in their usual way and being efficient.
Nov 16, 2015
Remember that will be 30 Working Days, so forget Fridays and Mondays and that there will also be a Market day in between. No wonder the last the lifetime of the vehicle.
Alouette jollie Alouete, :p
May 24, 2014
Madame, Monsieur,
Nous vous prions de bien vouloir trouver en pièce jointe votre facture relative à votre commande de certificat de qualité de l’air concernant le véhicule immatriculé WR64RBY.
Votre certificat sera expédié prochainement par courrier à l’adresse où le véhicule est enregistré.
Dans l’attente, cette facture vous permet de justifier de votre démarche et du classement de votre véhicule.
Veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur, nos salutations distinguées.
Le service de délivrance des certificats de qualité de l’air
Ce message est automatique, veuillez ne pas y répondre. Pour nous contacter, merci d’utiliser l’adresse

According to Google

Please find attached your invoice for your Air Quality Certificate Order for the vehicle registered WR64RBY.
Your certificate will be sent shortly by mail to the address where the vehicle is registered.
In the meantime, this invoice allows you to justify your approach and the classification of your vehicle.
Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely,
The Air Quality Certificate Service
This message is automatic, please do not reply to it. To contact us, please use
Nov 16, 2015
Thingy said:
Madame, Monsieur,
Nous vous prions de bien vouloir trouver en pièce jointe votre facture relative à votre commande de certificat de qualité de l’air concernant le véhicule immatriculé WR64RBY.
Votre certificat sera expédié prochainement par courrier à l’adresse où le véhicule est enregistré.
Dans l’attente, cette facture vous permet de justifier de votre démarche et du classement de votre véhicule.
Veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur, nos salutations distinguées.
Le service de délivrance des certificats de qualité de l’air
Ce message est automatique, veuillez ne pas y répondre. Pour nous contacter, merci d’utiliser l’adresse

Magic, Viva, Il France
According to Google

Please find attached your invoice for your Air Quality Certificate Order for the vehicle registered WR64RBY.
Your certificate will be sent shortly by mail to the address where the vehicle is registered.
In the meantime, this invoice allows you to justify your approach and the classification of your vehicle.
Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely,
The Air Quality Certificate Service
This message is automatic, please do not reply to it. To contact us, please use
Oct 8, 2006
Thingy said:
Nor have they responded to any of the emails.


I used Google Translate to send them a message yesterday to point out that the phone number they give for assistance cannot be dialled from outside France.

The message was read at 05:55 CET this morning.

Says a lot really.........
Jul 15, 2008
20,935 I understand it under the proposed system, vehicles are to be given a windscreen sticker to identify their banding.
Certain bands of vehicles are to be barred from some French cities on certain days dependant on the pollution levels present. These prohibitions are going to be applied and lifted according to need on a daily basis.

My question is ...........

How is a UK visitor who is probably not fluent in French, not listening to French local radio and who does not know what local website they should be are they going to know if their particular vehicle is barred on any particular day :huh:
May 24, 2014
It will be the same cop out as with all authoratative figures, they will say its our duty to check. The individual vignettes are different colours for classification, unless all roads leading in and out are going to have some sort of electronic sign, chaos will ensue. I do wonder as the French dont chase speeding offences in Britain whether they will chase this.
May 24, 2014
Arrived this morning, instructions in French lol

I filled in the form on 6th Feb, had confirmation on 8th Feb, money took 9th Feb. Success on 16th March. Nice to see the CESM are finally adopting the German Efficiency Model.


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