Lots of Welsh spoken in pubs North and mid Wales. And they are always happy to chat to you in English. There's this age old cliche story which goes around. "They were all speaking English, as soon as we walked in they changed to Welsh". Utter nonesense. A lot of Welsh converstation switch between English and Welsh, it's not "just because an English person walked in".
I have to agree, my middle son lived in Cardigan (or Ceredigion) town centre for a few years and because he's a musician (well, a drummer anyway so he hung around with musicians) he was fairly well known around the town.
Whenever we visited him and stayed over, we found the Welsh is the first language for the majority of local people, but they were happy to switch to English to include us in the conversations.
We only ever encountered one instance of slight hostility from an old guy who resented the fact that we were 'Brummies' (we're not!) and his companions soon shut him up.
When he found out that our son was living there he was ok afterwards.