Leaving your pitch a little later

Jun 19, 2005
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Hi folks

I would love to hear what peoples opinions are on this subject as it happened at the weekend.

I was staying on a caravan site which will remain nameless, now I am not trying to use this as an excuse but I am wheelchair dependent and some things do take a bit longer, like taking the awning down and getting it folded correctly.

Anyway, we arrived on this site on Friday and we were booked on until Monday. We set up our porch awning on Friday and we went about our business for the next couple of days. There was not hand dryer in the disabled toilet or hand towels so I asked in reception if they had an alternative. The people in reception were great and gave ma a hand towel.

The site was really busy over the weekend with vans coming and going all weekend as expected, so on Sunday we decided to ask as reception if we would be able to stay a little longer on Monday so we could get everything stripped down and put away. We did say that if it was busy that we understood and that we would be off the pitch for 11 am as we should have. The person on reception said that nobody was booked on that pitch but this could change overnight so he suggested that we check in the morning, which was fine.

Monday morning and the site was almost empty, so my wife went to reception to ask if we could stay until 12:30.

The person on reception said that really we would need to be off at 11 because it was high season and that this was not normal but he would let us stay until 1 as long as we paid for those two hours and it would be fifty pence per hour so we paid Β£1 to stay longer.

I don't object to paying to stay late and if there are people waiting to get on a pitch we could get off by 11, but there were 30 pitches with no vans waiting to get on. Whilst we were getting our awning down and getting everything packed away, not one van came into the site.

I was just gob smacked by this attitude as we were made to feel as though we were doing someone else out getting on the pitch but there was plenty of space on the park.

I have done this on numerous parks and they have been very understanding and if the park has been that busy I have been off the pitch at the time we were asked to.

I would just like to hear what people have to say on this matter. Don't worry, I won't be offended if you agree with the park, I just want to hear what other people think.

Sorry for the big waffle but I wanted to get the details correct.


Jan 1, 2006
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I understand your problems why not try CLs there are some out there that will meet your needs, Last weekend we had some change over but several stayed till quite late. we don't mind as we only charge by the night.

David from Suffolk
Aug 25, 2006
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We`ve stayed over the `12 o`clock` rule a few times at Damage Barton. Ask first, if there are vacancies we were asked for a contribution to a local charity. Excellent.

On the other hand, we used to go Far Grange Park at Skipsea when they took tourers, usually late September when it was deserted. On one occasion we were 10 minutes late leaving, we were refused a refund on the toilet block key and were told we were lucky as they could really charge for another nights stay.

Needless to say, I gave them a few choice words, never returned and now wait with eager anticipation for the miserable b*stards to fall into the North Sea.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Dougy,

Guess you where not staying on a CC site, I have seen many people staying past 12 oclock some as late as 6pm on a Sunday evening.Only seen this enforcement rule leave by 12 oclock on the notice boards during bank Holidays.

Dec 14, 2006
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There are plenty of 'jobsworth' out there, who refuse to be flexible, even for someone with problems which mean it takes longer to pack-up. To be fair to the site, though, sometimes, it's not just to let another van on, but for grass-cutting, tidying up boundaries, hedges, or even just to give the pitch an 'airing' between customers. We all complain if we get a 'tired' pitch, with soggy grass, and yet feel we should be able to stay on it until the very last minute and arrive one minute after the 'arrival' time.
Sep 26, 2006
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I often try to stay later and usually get the go ahead, but there is one C&CC club in Scotland that steadfastly refuses to let you stay a minute past. It is quite near our home and we're usually there for just a weekend, so I always end up paying for the next night to allow us to stay into the evening on the departure day. This allows us to extend the weekend by a considerable amount,I don't begrudge paying the extra as I don't feel under any pressure to leave at a certain time and we only pay for one person for the extra night.
Jun 19, 2005
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Hi folks

It was not a CC site because I have done this numerous times on CC sites and they have been more than helpful. It is a lovely site, which I would say is vey close to the standards of CC sites.

Valerie I do understand what you are saying and do agree with you when you say that you would be annoyed with a messy pitch as I would but when there are 30 pitches free to use you would think there would be a bit of give and take.

The site was really nice and I would consider going back but I would make sure that we were off by 11.

Thanks for the comments

Mar 14, 2005
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Dougy, It has very little to do with pitch availability and lots to do with money. I stayed at a Dorset adult only site for the weekend. I spent the best part of


Oct 16, 2006
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After a similar experience my uncle who is also wheelchair dependent wont book to stay at a site unless they confirm that he can have the extended time to pack away before hand....

Usually he only needs an extra hour but it all depends on how he feels when he gets up....

Most sites are very understanding but there are 1 or 2 out there that dont give a dam....He just avoids them...
Jan 3, 2007
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11.00am is hardly the crack of dawn for leaving site and I'm sure even those with a disability don't want to be given any special treatment.

My mother, in her later years, was severly disabled, and she would be horrified if she thought she was being singled out for special treatment.

Most sites do expect EVERYONE to leave site by the alloted time during the high season, but also, from my experience, most are usually more relaxed when not so busy. And 50p an hour extra is no big deal if you want to stay longer, although this particular site most probably shot themselves in the foot by making this small charge as any good will they had has gone straight out of the window.

If everyone, who wanted to stay on longer on site, abused the privilage the owners/wardens would have no control at all. I think the same applies to Hotel rooms, they have a departure time that usually has to be complied with.


In all our caravanning years we have never paid for staying a little longer than the departure time.

We always ask if it is OK to stay a little lomger if the site has spare spaces if we have time to kill between leaving and the next destination.We leave the pitch neat and tidy and it is not as though someone has to came in and change the bedding.

I would not pay extra and would rather get awaym if it was that big a deal to site management. We all pay a fair proiice and normally pay premium prices for site services. If a site can't accomodate the odd late leaver it is rather a poor show.

In Ireland last year the site offered us the pitch until early evening FOC so we could drive directly to the late Rosslare ferry.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Dougy

This is a personal bugbear of mine, I wish sites would accept bookings on a basis of a day being 24 hours, i.e.if you arrive at 4pm you can leave at 4pm, most sites issue a receipt when you book in on arrival and most have the time printed on it so it would be easy to check. As some one else said there is a suspicion of moneymaking going on.I suspect ray c was at a well known farm site near Bridport and they also have a minimum night booking policy at busy times, we have also had to pay extra to stay, unfortunately in our view that particular site is in danger of losing its appeal.
Mar 14, 2005
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Keith, you are correct about the site identity. For the life of me I cannot see why a weekend fee cannot be set that extends from Friday lunchtime until Sunday late afternoon. I have caravanned for many years and have yet to see a flood of new arrivals on any Sunday.

Talk in a previous reply about pitches needing airing is rubbish. They get plenty of airing in the week and especially Friday when most people arrive late. In any event additional charges seem to resolve that problem.

I appreciate that at busy sites in high season that staying on may not be practicable but at other times I cannot see any problemor the need for extra money.
Feb 3, 2006
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Unless there are access problems that need to ensure that departures and arrivals meet head on, most decent minded sites should be flexible.I agree entirely that weekender stays are not very attractive if you have to leave at midday and seem unfair to me if a few hours extra are available to no body else's exclusion.

Luckily I don't do weekends so it doesn't effect me too much. I have noticed for our forthcoming trip to France that you can't get on to many sites until after 4.00pm, and they still want you off early !
Jun 19, 2005
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Hi folks and thanks for the comments.

In response to Chrissie and BeemerMal, it has nothing to do with the cost. 50p is nothing on the grand scale it is the principle. The money does not come into it, I am more than happy to pay extra to stay a little bit longer.

In response to BeemerMal, I am not asking for 'special treatment' I am merely asking for some give and take. There is no way I want to be singled out for special treatment and as you see the majority of people agree that it is fair to ask for a little more time.

You mention your mother in later years being severely disabled, I am not, I have a spinal cord injury and I do as much as I can with the help of my wife and son. I help put the awning up and down and all the other bits and pieces that need done and this is why I am not asking for anything special, just a little bit of give and take.

It is great to how different places work. As I previously mentioned I have used numerous CC sites and asked to stay a bit later and they have alway obliged.

Anyway, enough ranting from me, I am sure there will be a few more comments.


Jul 3, 2006
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I agree with those who get annoyed by this policy

As we both work, often we don't arrive at a site until 6pm on the Friday and to then have to leave by 12 noon on the Sunday seems to crop the weekend severely

We always ask if we can stay late - usually until 6pm. On some occasions we have had to pay
Nov 9, 2006
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hi dougy

i to would take issue with beemeral. 11oclock hardly the crack of dawn? well on sunday morning my wife and i awoke at 7.30am at our site in scotland to start packing the gear away and take the awning down(we couldnt do it saturday because of the appalling weather, hoping it might just break on sunday, Not a chance !!)We are both able bodied and bear the scars of 20yrs of caravanning but in-between the downpours it stll took us till 11-30 to be ready for the off ,yes we managed to clear most of the clutter on saturday night ,but its not just a case of getting up hitching up and setting off,not if you enjoy the leisure side of caravanning that is.We had already extended our stay by an extra night in the week and they were happy for us to stay into the afternoon of the sunday without extra payment ,this was a first for us in a long time we are normally charged between 50p and
May 5, 2005
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sorry to swim against the tide but if the site owner told you they had changed their mind and you had to get off by 9.00 instead of eleven you would go wild and I am sure want more than a pound for the inconvenience.I think they acted very fairly and would have no complaint
Mar 14, 2005
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Keith, you are correct about the site identity. For the life of me I cannot see why a weekend fee cannot be set that extends from Friday lunchtime until Sunday late afternoon. I have caravanned for many years and have yet to see a flood of new arrivals on any Sunday.

Talk in a previous reply about pitches needing airing is rubbish. They get plenty of airing in the week and especially Friday when most people arrive late. In any event additional charges seem to resolve that problem.

I appreciate that at busy sites in high season that staying on may not be practicable but at other times I cannot see any problemor the need for extra money.
Hi ray

We have used this particulr site several times over the last 3 years and much as we enjoy the area, the last 2 visits have left us underwhelmed, while the site has developed it seems to us to have lost some of its friendliness, I know there have been staff changes, and perhaps that has something to do with it, but we are in no hurry to return, shame though.
Jan 3, 2007
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Obviously my "crack of dawn" comments produced comment. Thought it would!!! I do not object to those who have a need to stay longer.

I would agree that the "weekend" caravanners, Friday evening to Sunday morning, does only give one day for relaxation.

Perhaps caravan parks can offer a weekend rate that includes a stay up to 6.00pm on Sunday.

However, if a lot more did this then those who do arrive on Sunday afternoon would have limited pitch choices. Naturally this only refers to sites where specific pitches cannot be prebooked.

We tend not to weekend caravan now we are retired and often we leave home on Sunday, while the traffic is light and return home on Thursday if we are on a short break.

So, as a variation on a well known saying goes:

"You can please some of the people some of the time. You can please some of the people all of the time but you will never please all the people all the time"

C'est La Vie.....mal
Nov 9, 2006
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hi mal

i hope my reply did not offend you as this was not my intention , as you are retired you can come and go as you please which is not an option myself or other weekend caravaners have ,as sites become more and more expensive we expect at the very least to leave at a more convenient time after all we are all year caravaners and to be charged
Jul 30, 2007
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Hi Dougy,

You certainly don't sound like you're ranting. It also sounds as though your dealings with the site were very ammicable.

My opinion on this subject is that, I know in advance what I've booked, I know when I'm supposed to arrive ( at the earleist ) and when I've to leave, so work around that accordingly.

If something untoward happened or I feltlike staying a wee bit longer, I would have a word with the site. If it was OK with them, then I think they are entitled to charge me for this, as it is a business. If I was allowed to stay later without being charged, I'd see this as excellent customer relations.
Jan 3, 2007
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hi mal

i hope my reply did not offend you as this was not my intention , as you are retired you can come and go as you please which is not an option myself or other weekend caravaners have ,as sites become more and more expensive we expect at the very least to leave at a more convenient time after all we are all year caravaners and to be charged


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