Legal Issue : Siting my Caravan

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Aug 31, 2005
Yes it's a fair point but since I don't propose to move anytime within the ext 20 years, I think I'm OK. Also this was not really a dispute as such; but yes he did complain :)

Oct 18, 2005

This is on a light hearted note,

can i have your address so I can walk along the pavement and trip over that unsightly a frame. and claim you for some cash

as I am in need for xmas time.
Aug 31, 2005
Hello Steven : Ah the season of goodwill cometh a mite early me thinks this year ...?! well, if you did come down my road and trip over my A frame I think I would have you first for trespassing ..! Since posting this issue way back in August, I have had a new driveway 'built' and a hardstanding for my caravan. We now have the caravan 100% on our own property.

The only slight problem is that when we emerge from the driveway i have to go across a public footpath; so if we can arrange for you to be walking just as I am emerging, I could arrange for you to be squashed under my brand new KIA

Sorento ;-)

Peace to All !
Apr 11, 2005
Hi John

Just a bit of advice ! A piece of flourescent material over your hitch to make it highly visible !! As I believe should the postman/plumber/ or YES believe it or not Mr Burglar trip over it he could sue you for not taking resonable steps to ensure safety on your property !!!! I am quoting from a legel book now !

How ridiculous is that !!!

Enjoy your kia

Tina x
Aug 31, 2005
Tina; yes I did this; a LARGE fluorescent triangle on the 'A' frame.

Anyway, the new drive and hardstanding is in place and all is now cosy; end of thread me thinks :)

(pictures abvailable upon request !)
Mar 21, 2005
Great idea Tina, provided that your average visitor to the house has more that a nano-spec of that thing called common sense.

Last year, we had our drive replaced with that very expensive imprinted concrete (the one where they dye the concrete and then imprint it so that it looks like York stone).

Anyway, the day they finished laying it, we blocked off the end of the drive, placed planks from the pavement to the front door for access, draped 12 fluoresecent jackets over the barriers and put up signs saying "beware - wet concrete". Opened the back door next morning just in time to see post woman jump down off the low wall separating us from next door's drive and walk across the still-soft concrete. I shouted a warning and she took one look at me then down at her feet and then had the nerve to complain that her boots were covered in concrete. She had walked up our neighbours drive because she couldn't get access to our because of the barriers at the bottom.!!

I spent the next couple of weeks hoping that she would send me a letter threatening to sue. Unfortunately, she didn't.!

You just can't compensate for stupidness of some people,


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