Lehman Brothers Bust

Jun 20, 2005
Just as I am return from my hols the tv and papers are full of the news that 4000 Uk city slicker , high bonus, yuppees and fat cats have lost their high salaried jobs in the City of London.

Well tough luck.

Those greedy piggies got into all this Stateside subprime mortgage deals on trailer parks, what did they expect?

I read that one who has lost his 6 figure job plus 6 figure bonus is crying that he will have to give up his £500k city flat. Shame , he can come back down to earth and realise there is more to life than fat cat cash.

Do I sound cynical, yes.

Ok so I am not that hard up but it infuriates me that these arrogant fat cats get it wrong and then moan.

And note, George Bush has bailed out AIG. I suggest GB is a Manu fan??


Jan 19, 2008
Quote ... "I read that one who has lost his 6 figure job plus 6 figure bonus"......

Thanks for spoiling my day Alan, I'm now inconsolable :O(
Jul 9, 2001
Before you go laughing about the traders and bosses loosing their jobs and Porches etc, there are normal people who work there too, and all the supplier companies that are left in the mire.....
Jun 20, 2005
Hi Civical

True, but a junior at a City of London Bank earnt a hell of a lot more than say Podge at Avondale.

My real point here is that this greed for profit and bonus, which I have seen first hand, will always result in casualties.

"Success has many mothers; failure is an orphan".


Jul 9, 2001
Even investment banks need security guards, administrators and cleaners etc, and they are not going home in new BMWs yet they are now still out of a job. Every thing trickles down.
Apr 22, 2006
I would say that this money does not trickle down but floods down.

You may not pity the city slicker but if he is not earning he wont be going to the gym, his wife will have to lose a few hair appointments, there will be time to clean his own windows and he might as well put off those new windows.

So 1 man lost his job and how many suffered.
Mar 13, 2007

the idea that making the rich wealthier somehow benifits the less well off is just a nonsense dreamed up by those on or above the 10% rich band to justify there huge pay structures.

the only benefit the yuppies ever gave during the 80s boom were for the farrari dealers and champagne importers,

redundancy is sad no matter who it happens to or what circumstances they are in I know it has happend to me 3 times.

everyone who loses a job has a window cleaner and a hair dresser, some communities have not and will never recover from the wholesale closures of the 80s some pit towns have more shops boadred up than are open even after 20 years.

the loss of a few top jobs in london will go by without anyone noticing north of watford gap however I will make a prediction, with the merger or takeover of the halifax by lloyds tsb there will be wholesale closures of all hbos branches and offices and guess where most of them are "er north of watford" but will anyone in the city of london care I think not.
Jun 20, 2005
The fat cat who caused all th eproblems at AIG has been sacked but in lieu of notice he was given $8 million!

The young smartie pants who ran HBOS, one Andy Hornby, previous of Asda, often bad mouthed the Board at Llyds TSB for their temerity.

How the tables have turned and look who is rescuing who now!!

The fat cat who caused the demise of Independent Insurance is doing porridge, having been given 7 years imprisonment.

All these fat cats deserve every bit of hurt and embarrassment going. More so , never ever again must they be given jobs where they can cause so much damage.


May 25, 2008
What ever happened to the Goverment/Regulator sacked them as well ??? if you/we had been smart enough we would have done it to !!!!!!!!!!


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