Jan 19, 2008
Well after that one topic I think the poor girl is having a rest. I recall her apologising for something or other but on re-reading it there was nothing that she had said that was bad. A lot of the posts have been deleted now including some of Lisa's. After that, then driving to see her terminally ill cousin in Brecon and work, it's probably taking it out of her :O(


Mar 14, 2005
Hi Plotter

I don't live on the travellers site at Radcliffe on Trent...

Thanks for asking about me, appreciated.

Went to Brecon/Abergavenny. 30 Miles into the journey, a scaffold pole smashed through the van's window (brothers work van) and missed me by inches. (Vehicle with an unsecure load of scaffold had pulled up on the hard shoulder). I'm not sure how that happened as it all happened so quickly.

Off to Abergavenny (sp) again at the weekend if my much loved cousin is still with us.

Diesel (SBT) is being tested for various things at the vets on Friday, there is the possibility that he has a brain tumour. I know he's only a dog but he's such a lovely little chap, it's very worrying and upsetting.

Jul 5, 2005
sorry to hear about your troubles Lisa, hopefully things will start to take an upwards turn soon...

keep your spirits up. all the best, Mark (",)
Jan 2, 2006

They say it comes in three's so perhaps things will only get better.

I didnt know there was a site at Radcliffe,but thought you lived near Holme Piere Point but when I looked it seems you live North of Newark heading towards Gainsborough or have I got that wrong.Interestingly I had never come across before anybody with your surname but in Nottinghamshire alone there are dozens I presume related.

Radcliffe was the scene of my one and only bump while towing a van,going from Nottingham towards the A46 at the lights where there are two lanes but only one the otherside and idiot decided to overtake and ran out of road the insurance thought it was my fault!


Mar 14, 2005
Hi Plotter

Thanks for your reply.

Yes there are many people with my surname, husband has a massive and I mean, massive family, they're mainly in the building trade.

I am near the water sports centre, not far at all.

Sorry to hear you had a bump on the A46, that stretch is only surpassed (RTC's) by the A453. There is a site just near the RSPCA on the left heading towards Radcliffe from Gamston. It's quite a nice site, very small but well kept. They've just put some wrought iron gates up and massive Victorian type street lights either side of the entrance. Personally, I think the street lights are way over the top, but that's 'them' for you. LOL!



Mar 14, 2005
sorry to hear about your troubles Lisa, hopefully things will start to take an upwards turn soon...

keep your spirits up. all the best, Mark (",)
thank you Mark, that's very kind of you.

Jan 19, 2008
Hi Plotter

I don't live on the travellers site at Radcliffe on Trent...

Thanks for asking about me, appreciated.

Went to Brecon/Abergavenny. 30 Miles into the journey, a scaffold pole smashed through the van's window (brothers work van) and missed me by inches. (Vehicle with an unsecure load of scaffold had pulled up on the hard shoulder). I'm not sure how that happened as it all happened so quickly.

Off to Abergavenny (sp) again at the weekend if my much loved cousin is still with us.

Diesel (SBT) is being tested for various things at the vets on Friday, there is the possibility that he has a brain tumour. I know he's only a dog but he's such a lovely little chap, it's very worrying and upsetting.

Sadly that was my diagnosis from your email Lisa. It could be a mild form of epilepsy though which could be treatable by drugs. Just hope and pray HappyLord pulls through it. (Sorry, still can't bring myself to call him GayLord because people might think us Lords are all the same). ;O) hehheh!

I hope you have a safer journey next time Lisa, I think you've used up your run of bad luck by now.
Jan 19, 2008
Hi Plotter

I don't live on the travellers site at Radcliffe on Trent...

Thanks for asking about me, appreciated.

Went to Brecon/Abergavenny. 30 Miles into the journey, a scaffold pole smashed through the van's window (brothers work van) and missed me by inches. (Vehicle with an unsecure load of scaffold had pulled up on the hard shoulder). I'm not sure how that happened as it all happened so quickly.

Off to Abergavenny (sp) again at the weekend if my much loved cousin is still with us.

Diesel (SBT) is being tested for various things at the vets on Friday, there is the possibility that he has a brain tumour. I know he's only a dog but he's such a lovely little chap, it's very worrying and upsetting.

Sadly that was my diagnosis from your email Lisa. It could be a mild form of epilepsy though which could be treatable by drugs. Just hope and pray HappyLord pulls through it. (Sorry, still can't bring myself to call him GayLord because people might think us Lords are all the same). ;O) hehheh!

I hope you have a safer journey next time Lisa, I think you've used up your run of bad luck by now.
Jan 19, 2008
Hi Plotter

I don't live on the travellers site at Radcliffe on Trent...

Thanks for asking about me, appreciated.

Went to Brecon/Abergavenny. 30 Miles into the journey, a scaffold pole smashed through the van's window (brothers work van) and missed me by inches. (Vehicle with an unsecure load of scaffold had pulled up on the hard shoulder). I'm not sure how that happened as it all happened so quickly.

Off to Abergavenny (sp) again at the weekend if my much loved cousin is still with us.

Diesel (SBT) is being tested for various things at the vets on Friday, there is the possibility that he has a brain tumour. I know he's only a dog but he's such a lovely little chap, it's very worrying and upsetting.

Sadly that was my diagnosis from your email Lisa. It could be a mild form of epilepsy though which could be treatable by drugs. Just hope and pray HappyLord pulls through it. (Sorry, still can't bring myself to call him GayLord because people might think us Lords are all the same). ;O) hehheh!

I hope you have a safer journey next time Lisa, I think you've used up your run of bad luck by now.
Jan 19, 2008
Sadly that was my diagnosis from your email Lisa. It could be a mild form of epilepsy though which could be treatable by drugs. Just hope and pray HappyLord pulls through it. (Sorry, still can't bring myself to call him GayLord because people might think us Lords are all the same). ;O) hehheh!

I hope you have a safer journey next time Lisa, I think you've used up your run of bad luck by now.
Mar 14, 2005
Lisa I can only endorse what has been said previously and hope that the future will look brighter for you as there seems be a spate of bad luck at the moment. Can I ask on your way to Abergaveny did you by any chance venture through Hereford? If you did go via Hereford I am sure it would have been the curse of Lord B. against the Welsh or anybody/anything remotely connected with Wales.
Oct 17, 2006
Hi Lisa,

I have been away for the last 3 weeks, so I am a bit behind here, but I gather from postings that you have had some bad luck, I wish you well, and for your doggy on Friday for his tests. Keep your Chin Up.

Kind Regards Liz
Jan 19, 2008
Hi Plotter

I don't live on the travellers site at Radcliffe on Trent...

Thanks for asking about me, appreciated.

Went to Brecon/Abergavenny. 30 Miles into the journey, a scaffold pole smashed through the van's window (brothers work van) and missed me by inches. (Vehicle with an unsecure load of scaffold had pulled up on the hard shoulder). I'm not sure how that happened as it all happened so quickly.

Off to Abergavenny (sp) again at the weekend if my much loved cousin is still with us.

Diesel (SBT) is being tested for various things at the vets on Friday, there is the possibility that he has a brain tumour. I know he's only a dog but he's such a lovely little chap, it's very worrying and upsetting.

Bloody hell .... what happened there , same gremlin that Scotch Lad had in his post I expect :O(


Mar 14, 2005
Hi Plotter

Thanks for asking about little gaylord (Dies). He's at the vets all day on Friday. There are three possibilities at the moment:

Liver shunt

A form of epilepsy (sp)

Brain tumour

They are starting with bloods, then a brain scan.

Liver shunt and epilepsy is heredatory (sp) so that's his stud career out. So if it is those, I'll have to get him castrated as I've had a few enquiries about using him as a stud.

I just hope whatever they find, it's manageable. I'd rather have him not 100% fit for a short time than no time at all.

No, I've never lived in Collingham.

Dec 1, 2005
Hi Lisa

How has it come about that Diesel is poorly - has he had an accident where it has been found out? Is he acting strangely? Off his food etc?

I hope it's something that can be sorted.

Lolly x
Jan 2, 2006
Fingers crossed then,never understand why we humans get so attached to animals but we do in our case its cats.

Is hubby PJH?
Jan 19, 2008
Hi Lisa

How has it come about that Diesel is poorly - has he had an accident where it has been found out? Is he acting strangely? Off his food etc?

I hope it's something that can be sorted.

Lolly x
lolly, Lisa posted above what was wrong with Diesel.
Dec 1, 2005

I am aware what Lisa posted (I can read)!

What I meant was how did she know he was ill? Did he start acting strangely etc?

Lolly x
May 12, 2006
LB I am aware what Lisa posted (I can read)!

My lord that looks like a slapped wrist to me !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Val & Frank


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