Living The Dream - or Nightmare

Dec 28, 2006
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(Hit the wrong button)

Anyway we will soon be gainfully unemployed.

It is our intention to seek employment as caravan park assistants for a few months of the year and then to spend the rest of our time touring.

This means we will effectively be living in a caravan.

I would be interested in any comments/advice/anecdotes of either full time caravan living or working as site wardens.

And do try to put us off, we keep trying to but the urge to go still exists.
Feb 3, 2006
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Holidaying at a caravan park is different to working there, but hey, if you have nothing to loose give it a go and let us have your impressions ! Good luck. Somtimes redundancy can be a blessing in disguise even if you don't see it that way at the time.


You mentioned 'we' in your Post. I assume this means you bopth worked at the same establishment, not always a good idea. Saves on travelling costs but can be tricky in the situation you now find your self in.

However, my sympathies on that and hope you succeed in your new ideas. If you search on this Forum there was quite a correspondence on the very subject you are thinking about.

Many people did not feel it was worth it but others enjoyed it.The only thing I did find out was that there is quite a hierarchy within the Caravan organisations and getting from Asst warden to a better post is not always that easy. There is also a significant salary difference. For those that felt they were being 'stuck' disillusionment could set in. As well as the UK organistaions you could try Eurocamp etc as they do take on people for either part or most of the year, and at least you wil be overseas and hopefully in a warmer clime.
Jul 3, 2006
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Being made redundant was the best career move I ever had made for me!, although the feeling of rejection affects some more than others. I just wish it happened just before we started a family not just after, I would have been through passport control faster than a vindaloo round the u bend.

Enjoy your opportunity.
Mar 2, 2006
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Having worked for the C&CC for a couple of seasons then spending the winters in Spain I would suggest that you try the CC as most of the assistants I knew and joined with defected to them.The CC are the better trainers and have a proper training program.I also know few couples who work for commercial sites and residential static sites,these tend to have the longer contracts and some are permanent employers but as scotch lad says there is a big difference living in the van and holidaying for a few weeks.Best of luck on your choice.
Dec 14, 2006
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Do you fancy working in Europe? Canvas Holidays, Eurocamp, and similar organisations are now recruiting 'older and wiser' experienced caravanners to act as 'couriers' on their sites throughout Europe. Our friends (a couple in their mid-fifties) are now at Camping Cypsela in Spain - this is their third year. They work from April to October and then spend the remainder of the year travelling in their motorhome. They are actually working for a company called HappyCamp - which seems to pay well - and is a good company to work for, but they have worked for Canvas Holidays too. Some sites in France emply people privately, usually in exchange for a pitch and small wage.
Mar 28, 2007
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Become a 'Borrower'

Click on this link

from the T & T site.

It will probably suit you.

Good Luck
Dec 28, 2006
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Many thanks for your replies, have to add, before anybody else sympathises that both my wife and I are on very voluntary redundancy. We are definitely jumping rather than being pushed, it just enables us to do what we were planning in to do in five years time now.

Mainly looking to work in the UK in the 2008 season and have feelers out with both independent and club sites. We do want to work abroad but would like to spend some time brushing up the language skills again. I will definitely look at the employment options abroad that have been suggested.

Working as managers not really what we are looking for just yet, money is not a driver and we want to spend time together doing the things we have been dreaming of all these years.

Keep the comments coming, I will try not to interrupt to often.
Feb 3, 2006
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Many thanks for your replies, have to add, before anybody else sympathises that both my wife and I are on very voluntary redundancy. We are definitely jumping rather than being pushed, it just enables us to do what we were planning in to do in five years time now.

Mainly looking to work in the UK in the 2008 season and have feelers out with both independent and club sites. We do want to work abroad but would like to spend some time brushing up the language skills again. I will definitely look at the employment options abroad that have been suggested.

Working as managers not really what we are looking for just yet, money is not a driver and we want to spend time together doing the things we have been dreaming of all these years.

Keep the comments coming, I will try not to interrupt to often.
Lovely....sounds just like the advert " we just want to be together " Hope it works out for you both !


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