Long(ish) tour abroad - caravan or motorhome?

Aug 23, 2008
Hello! Hoping to do a longish tour abroad next year. We're experienced caravanners (UK only) but wonder if a motorhome might be better for frequent moves from site to site and ferries/tunnel etc. Has anyone been abroad with both caravan and motorhome and which do they think works best? (As a family we're two people and three dogs, probably moving on every three days or so). Thanks for any advice.
Jan 3, 2007
In reality this is very much down to personal choice. There are clear benefints and disadvantages to both.

I think that if you plan to be constantly on the move a campervan would be the better choice but you will have to understand the benefits and restrictions. Some of these are listed below, i'm sure there are a lot more reasons but it is really personal choice. Many who tour with campervans would not consider a caravan because of the restrictions towing brings and visa versa many caravanners would not consider a campervan....but at the end of the day,

"We all sit in the same camp!"

Some campervan benefits: cheaper ferries, tolls and when touring it is much simpler to set up and leave site, although the big motor homes can be difficult to get on and off a lot of continental sites.

Some Campervan disadvantages: Once on site, no transport (unless you have cycles or a motorcycle) If you do need to go off site you need to pack everything away and I would think that would be annoying if only going off site for the day.

I also never see the advantage of towing a car with a campervan, if anyone wanted to tow then a car/caravan combination would win hands down!

The intiial outlay for a mid range camper can be in the mid
Mar 21, 2007
I would go along with whats been said already, we up to 3 month trips with a caravan and I wouldnt even think of moving that often. You wont see much of the area and in MHO arriving at sites particularly for the first time is just about the worst aspect of the hobby.

My advice would be go after easter and come back before the kids break up, dont book sites and try not to commit to any exact length of stay.

Best of luck

Aug 23, 2008
Thank you for your responses. We have a limited window of opportunity in which to do a tour due to work commitments and it may be our only chance for some time so we feel like we'd want to move around to see as much as possible. Obviously, if we really liked somewhere, we'd try to stay for longer. Probably, we'll stick to France. Thanks once again.


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