When I was in a similar position on (moving house as I had too many vehicles for my wife and I to cope with...caravan, horsebox, cars etc.) I asked my local garage for help... they were very good and delivered all on time and for a reasonable fee, I just drove their drivers to the local railway station ( once they had dropped off the vehicles concerned) so they could catch a convenient train back. The distance was about 250 miles (one way) so no overnight accommodation was required, however had this been necessary then I would have been happy to fund it..
I paid their travel expenses (railfares, taxi fares,.. subsistence (lunch and teas coffees,Etc and their daily rate, it all worked out rather well.
Your situation may be different, but if you have been on good terms with your local garage it might be worth speaking to them.
Regards, and of course
Happy Caravanning