Ian, I don't agree with some of your claims, principally as Lutz has just commented, spigots don't secure our car wheels, they aid you mounting the wheel by taking its weight, ideally also allowing you to enter a bolt /nut to centre it.
Clearly in the time it takes for the wheel to part, a spigot takes the radial load, mainly the load carried by the wheel. But it is delusionary to believe this offers any security nor any worthwhile time, the more so with a wheel that is located remote from your immediate driving senses.
Bolt and nut cones are not sized anything near to carrying wheel loadings, so again its wrong to believe they offer that type of security.
I repeat, in our domestic cars the wheel retention for radial loading come from the friction between the wheel and hub, a friction developed solely by the retaining bolt's tension, not from the aligning cone or spheres nor from spigots.
This is anything but "poor design", its only justifiable weakness IMO is having to find a way to hold the wheel weight whilst locating the first bolt, and not that with the 2CV it was a studded hub design. There are however some poor interpretations of it out there!
That you don't recheck your car is down to a combination of poor practice and subtle differences in the details of the bolting system, in part influenced by the design of the wheels.
I do check mine after they have run a short distance post removal, this is down to experience of poor garage practices together with years involved in consulting , designing, along with researching and test challenging bolting systems generally.
Yes, elsewhere spigots are used for load carrying but there we also have to have forced interference fitting well capable of that load carrying and this almost inevitably requires use of hydraulic type forced removal or oil injection type equipment; not your user road side wheel changing.
re the ATC; unless you alter the functionality of it it will continue to do what it does, full on re apply its braking cycle on remaking power; so one way or another the continuity of its power supply must be maintained for it not to do so. Again IMO excellent safe, cost effective designing without the cost and complexity to do otherwise. Designing in complication, cost and lowering reliability is too easy. In this case makes for a product with a low enough cost makers could fit and many caravan owners chose, a very good thing for every body on the roads safety.