Losing the towcar...

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Nov 12, 2009
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hyundai tucson gsi 2ltr petrol 4wd.

i have went back the way on my changeover, first time in my life, i always trade up. but my present car is an 07 vectra sri 1.8i, we got it brand new, but we never thought we would be joining the caravan fraternity until last year when we had a weekend with sis in law and loved it. so much so we then went on the hunt and bought our first caravan last october, abbey aventura 316, ideal for our needs. the vectra can tow it but now i am more aware of towing how different cars can be more suitable due to their weights etc compared to the caravans.

so tomorrow my beloved vectra ( brill car) is off and we are getting the above mentioned, its an 06 which is a year older, but similar mileage.

thats how much caravanning has bitten me parksy, if someone came to me away last year and offered me over the book price for my vectra i would have hunted them, that was my pride and joy, but now that we have the caravan i am looking at it in a practical sense, the tucson comes up as a 86% match, whereas the vectra was 98%. my misses has just been talking to me no more than ten minutes ago and says she will miss the vectra and is wondering if we have done the right thing. i feel we have, and she will soon find out.
Aug 17, 2008
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OK, I've obviously got lots more research to do with regard to cars. I'm sure I put the mondeo in to what towcar and it didn't come up a good match but I'll check again.

Got to go to bed now so I'll check back in the morning - night night!
Jan 19, 2008
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Some sites might come and fetch your caravan for you. I know that my local site does this and I'm pretty sure that if the site doesn't do it they will know someone who will tow it for you. What the charges are I don't know but one site I was on once was closing for the winter and the same chap kept coming back and towing vans off and it wasn't the site owners.
Jul 1, 2009
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first mac you are noy getting a lesser car believe me,but i agree why should every one in the family suffer get a cheaper car as i said .The nipper still gose to the school every one gets a holiday.
Dec 16, 2003
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Louise, a Mondeo will put the towing ratio above 85% if you load the caravan to 1500kg, but that isn't illegal or dare I say at all dangerous in itself. Keep speeds moderate, load the caravan sensibly, observe the noseweight requirements and check the tyre pressures - you will be safer than the many caravanners who do none of those things.


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Louise

Sorry to hear of your son's situation. Personally, I'd stick with the private school. From personal experience, no way can a private school compare with a state school if you get my drift. Yes, bullying goes on in all parts of society, however, I think you'll find the teachers take more interest in the students when the parents are paying fees.

I'd look at a mondeo. I tow about 1350kg with a tdci 130bhp and it's more than up to the job. I'm sure an experienced driver could tow up to your limit.

All the best.

Nov 12, 2009
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Hi Louise

Sorry to hear of your son's situation. Personally, I'd stick with the private school. From personal experience, no way can a private school compare with a state school if you get my drift.

so, what is your drift ?


Nov 12, 2009
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Good luck with the Hyundai Mac, it will make an excellent towcar and although I take your point about dropping a year you are gaining a great car to go with a great hobby.
Nov 12, 2009
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no way can a private school compare with a state school if you get my drift.

original question asked you what your "drift" was.

you then replied "you know what i mean".

i then asked "so what do you mean".

dont see anything difficult with that request.

maybes you dont have an answer though.


Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry, it's far too political for discussion here Highlander. Louise will understand perfectly what I meant.

I'm not 'Mrs' by the way but 'Ms' - just for future reference.

Kind Regards.



Mar 14, 2005
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QUOTE: 'We have a Swift Charisma 570, 1500kgs and tow with a Landrover Freelander 2. It's on a PCP and we've decided not to re-finance the balloon payment as we have other commitments coming up for the monthly payment (school fee's!)'UNQUOTE

I posted my comment Highlander because Louise obviously has to take into account the school fees when considering the points she raises in her intial post and your comment regarding 'take the kids out of private school' is maybe, an option which is probably not feasible to Louise.

My comment was not political, it was advice but further discussion would probably lead to unsavoury comments. That, however, is only an assumption.

Anyway, I have to go to bed now as I'm not working tomorrow due to a hunt meet and I have to have my backside out of bed for 6.30 am.


Nov 12, 2009
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My comment was not political, it was advice but further discussion would probably lead to unsavoury comments. That, however, is only an assumption.

aye ok Ms, cant recall me mentioning it was political,

only asked what ye meant.

stuff yer political nonsense, no interest to me.

sleep tight.
Aug 20, 2009
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My 2p worth.

Classic Range Rovers. Most are already on LPG and they are infinitely rebuild-able. Average 16 ish MPG so equivalent of about 30MPG cost wise.

Comfy, powerful, spares are plentiful and you'd struggle big time to spend 400 quid a month on maintaining one. (which is what your PCP is costing you)

Oh, good call with the school thing too. Exactly what I did with our Lad. Never a single moment's regret. Ignore the "dog in the manger" comments; this is your choice and has BA to do with anyone except you.
Sep 23, 2009
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I have to agree with Machighlander to be quite honest, Mach you couldnt have put it better.

I tow with a mondeo 2.0lt tdci 140 hp,kerb weight is 1571 kg,on doing my sums, if I were to tow a van with a mtplm of 1500kg I would be towing at 95.48%.

I have over 25 years experiance & would tow to the max,but I wouldn't advise people that are realitivly new to the world of caravanning to do this.

No matter which school the lad goes to, there will be bullying.Take him to boxing lessons & teach him to fight back or at least to defend himself.

Nice choice of car Mach don't worry about loosing a year,if it tugs your caravan, & keeps the Mrs happy so what :).

Laird Al
Aug 17, 2008
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I didn't start this thread to provoke a debate on state vs independent education. This is not the place for that. I stated why we were needing to lose the towcar as I thought people would ask so was just giving information up-front.

Bullying is just 1 issue and I don't want to bore you with all the other reasons so I won't. My son does not need boxing lessons as he already holds a karate black belt. However the conditions of his karate licence mean he cannot use his skills outside of organised competitions. I would also be extremely disappointed if he were using karate on children who were unable to defend themselves against his moves as that would make him worse than the bullies. Bullying is not just physical, by the way, we have only had 1 physical incident, far more is verbal.

Lisa - I know exactly what you mean and I get your drift! My son had completed 5 years at prep but has spent the last 2 years in a state primary. We are now desperate to get him back in to an independent as we know he will thrive.

Anyway enough of the politics. From what everyone is saying it looks like changing the tow car seems to be the way to go. I'll start looking at suggestions. We have been back to the caravan dealer and they will let us px our van against a lighter one so that's always an option too!
Nov 20, 2007
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If you really want to go down the 4 x 4 route have a look at a Toyota Landcruiser Prado, they are excellent tow cars, reliable and can be picked up for a reasonable price...
Aug 17, 2008
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Toyota - reliable? Bit worried with all the hype at the moment. DOesn't have to be a 4x4, just something heavy enough to tow our van. Or we might change the van. We've got a 6 berth at the moment and there are only 4 of us.

We've got an Isabella full awning so we've plenty of space when thats up anyway.

Had a look at a Lunar fixed bed a couple of weeks ago but don't know much about them. It was 100kgs lighter though!
Jun 20, 2005
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Mac H brought tears to my eyes!

" oh dear its a korean car with inferior refinements to the main competitors,"

I'd say "interior refinements better than the competition"!

I bought Korean , Kia Sorento diesel 5 years ago and never looked back. Hyundai who own most of Kia are a world leader in engineering including car manufacture . Just look at their manufacturing plants new and high tech.Now 7 year warranties.

The uksorento.com forum has a massive following.

Overall reliability according to the JD Power surveys leaves the competition way behind.

You can drive your Hyundai with your sporran held high.


I read an interesting article in the Telegraph last year giving 10 ways to save money, eg cut down on fuel bills , wear thicker kilts, cook more efficiently eg slow cookers , pressure cookers.

Walk rather than drive ie is my journey really necessary? Refinance. Buy selectively from the supermarkets etc.

Have you or OH thought about getting a second job? When my kids were young and money tight I pumped petrol for Gerald Ronson, Now you can sit in a warm tesco kiosk .

And loads more .

Definitely ditch the Freelander, PCPs are a no win for the punter in the street.

I fully agree with everyone else buy a cheaper Jap or Korean and enjoy your hols / hobby. Hope son appreciates your efforts!




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