Lost keys

Aug 12, 2021
Please can anybody help me. I have a Bailey Bordeaux series 7 pageant. My daughters bag was stolen and the only set of keys was in it. Dose anyone no the code to get them replaced
Jul 8, 2021
Please can anybody help me. I have a Bailey Bordeaux series 7 pageant. My daughters bag was stolen and the only set of keys was in it. Dose anyone no the code to get them replaced
I would imagine( I dont know, I am no expert) that if you get in touch with Bailey and give them the VIN number of the van they may be able to help you.

Mar 27, 2011
I was told when I bought my bailey that if you had 1 key it was easy to get another but if you had no keys at all you couldn’t, depending on the year of your van you may still be able to get a key from a dealer if you know the number that was on the key before it was lost dealers carry a large list of numbers, if you don’t know the number on the key you can try bailey but I think it’s going to be difficult, what year is your bailey?
Last resort is change locks.

May 7, 2012
I am afraid that without the key number replacement may be a problem, but either the dealer if bought from one or Bailey may be able to help. If on site possibly ask other owners to try theirs, as you never know you might be lucky. That apart it may need a locksmith to drill out the locks, although this might produce the number and save the other locks.
Our dealer had written our key number on the Welcome pack holder which might be worth checking if you have one.
Basically for safety we always carry two keys, one each, which hopefully gives us more security.
The lesson here for all of us might be to make sure you have the number written down somewhere safe.


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