Lost my 2 lakeland terriers - Leamington Spa area :(

Aug 19, 2007
Nothing to do with caravanning I know - but am desperate. Lost my dogs whilst walking them last Weds in the afternoon. They went into a hedge and out the other side and I havent seen them since. If any fellow caravanner happens to spot them out and about with your own dogs could you please alert me here - many thanks.

Lakeland Terriers - black and tan.

1 small and 1 medium sized
Jan 19, 2008
I can only imagine what you must be going through Fiona, if I had lost mine I would be in bits. I pray and hope you will be re-united with them soon and the weather stays fair.
Jan 19, 2008
Fiona, if it's any consolation, some people we knew were in a road accident and their spaniel escaped. They found it 2 weeks later, a little thinner, wet and frightened but alive which was all that mattered. Just be positive and don't give up hope.

Last November we were driving down this lane in Devon and a Norfolk Terrier wandered into the road. I braked, wound down my window and talked to it. It seemed a bit scared so I got out, still talking to it but I was a bit wary incase it bit. My fears were unfounded, he was a lovely dog. I put him on one of our dogs leads and put him on the back seat much to the consternation of our three, who were in their cage at the back.

After driving around for some miles we came to a village called Slapton which had a post office. They knew the person whose name was on the dog tag and a lady who came into the shop knew where she lived so she took him home. We had a call from the owner later that night thanking us so just keep your chin up, hopefully it will end well :O)
Feb 24, 2008
Hi Fiona,

I know it sounds corny but have you rang Battersea Dogs Home? My dog escaped from my Nan's house once in Tottenham. We put up posters etc. all around the area to no avail as she would not have known her way home. It was a good couple of months later that we rang Battersea as a last resort and they had my dog. She had been found by a child, looked after for a while by a family, passed on to the Police, onto another Police Force who then had her collected and she was taken to Battersea - miles away. Despite the fact she was wearing a collar with our details on, nobody had the foresight to ring us - even Battersea...

Good luck, hope you find your pets soon.



Mar 14, 2005
Hi fiona

I'm really sorry to hear about what has happened.

At the risk of stating the obvious, the first thing I'd do is contact Dogs Lost UK. Put the following link in and go from there.

Did you lose them in the area you live? If so, do some posters with their photos on. Are the dogs insured? If so, some insurance companies will fund a reward on the safe return. If they're not insured, you may want to consider offering a financial reward.

Drive round to your local pet shops and vets and put posters up in there (with photos of the dogs on). Contact your local RSPCA, dog warden and police. At the risk of sounding grim, also contact your local council as if god forbid, the dogs have been run over, the council will pick them up if they have been left by the roadside.

If it was me, I'd be straight onto my local paper and ask them to do a piece about it. I'd also contact the local radio station too.

Are they micro chipped or tattooed?

Finally, I am a member of several canine forums, if you can give me more information, I will put a notice on there for you. It would be helpful to have photos too.

I know someone who breeds lakelands and is into rescue, so when you give me more information, I'll contact her as well to see if she can offer any advice.

Can you tell me what you have done in the meantime to try and find them?

May 25, 2005
I feel for you Fiona I would be in bits too if I lost my little mut.

Just another thought, have you been in touch with all your local vets? They are often in the know about lost animals. You could also alert the police, as they also have kennels and often place strays out at local kennels until their owner(s) can be found.

Hope they turn up soon, proably a bit smelly and certainly bedraggled but what the heck.



Mar 14, 2005
Hi Fiona

Just wondered how your search for your dogs is going.




Mar 14, 2005
Hi Dave

Although I'd tend to agree with what you have written 90% of the time, that's not always the case, particularly if you are inexperienced with dogs.

Jan 19, 2008
We always keep ours on leads for various reasons. If they were off the lead and saw another person or dog they would be gone to see them, tails and stump wagging. Not all dogs are friendly so I don't particularly fancy treating anyone elses dog to a cheap meal.

Secondly, while on a lead, I'm in control and can see where they dump so as I can pick it up, unlike some you see where the owners are striding out in front and the dog is taking a dump behind them. Another favourite of those who don't want to pick up the dumps is send your kids out to walk them as happened last week at Crossways. Finally I wouldn't trust any dog 100%, it only takes 1% for a dog off the lead to spot a cat etc. and he could be under the wheels off a car, too late then.

I think too much of my dogs to risk it although I have done it years ago in the middle of nowhere on a towpath when I had a boat.


Mar 14, 2005

I was referring to Dave's bit 'if they had been on a lead they wouldn't have run off'.

Sometimes things go wrong such as:

Clip breaks on lead (dog gets free) this has happened to me twice with two different dogs and two different leads. That's why I don't use dog leads, I use lunge lines or lead ropes.

Clip breaks on collar or lead breaks.

Or, two dogs can get tangled, you accidently drop one lead, one shoots off, panic and let the other lead go, both dogs shoot off. If they haven't learnt proper and I mean proper recall, dogs gone usually.

Or you can simply for whatever reason, drop the lead and off it/they go.

They can also slip their collar, that's quite common.

If there's one thing which drives me insane, it's when a dog comes running up off lead even if the owner is yelling it back or not.

I don't walk mine off lead around traffic either.

Feb 15, 2006
hi fiona, any updates?.

im in coventry and ill keep my eyes open for them.

if you have a picture that would help us.

have you tried the local papers and the coventry evening telegraph?.

what about mercia radio etc etc.

the rspca in coventry might have had the handed in.

are they chipped?.

May 25, 2005
I am beginningto thik this is a set-up! Surely if Fiona, or anyone else had lost their pets, they would have come back with some kind of response.

Is it a dreaded trogggggg?

Jan 19, 2008
Well if I'd lost my dogs and posted on here asking people if they "spot them out and about with your own dogs could you please alert me here - many thanks" I would have been checking back often.

I did do a search and a person by the same nic has posted in this forum before, I'm not saying it's the same person though.
Jan 19, 2008
Shiba at the beginning of these thread someone emailed me and was querying whether the post was genuine and I'm beginning to think they were right. Also what I found strange was the comment "they are only dogs". I have 3 dogs and they aren't "only dogs", they are part of the family. That is why we don't "own" them, more the other way around :O)

"Only dogs" is a term more used by dog haters or people who have working dogs like a hunt kennels.


Mar 14, 2005
Maybe she went back to the hedge and went through it herself.........
Feb 11, 2007
Maybe she went back to the hedge and went through it herself.........
Looking at that hedge made me feel better as i thought ours was enough to trim, mainly as i am getting on .Ours is 4m high 104 m long.


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