Lost opening rear skylight

Jul 9, 2007
Can anyone help with a source of spares for a 1980 Cavalier GTS 520 caravan. Our rear skylight became detached and has been lost, plus the fixings are also broken. Does anyone know of a good caravan breakers centre in Essex?
Aug 14, 2006
I would imagine most caravan shops would be able to fix you up, i dont know the type on your van but most are standard sizes if not it may be possible to increase the opening to suit a newer design, as for s/hand ones from the breakers i would expect them to be aged and brittle as they get direct sunlight on them, i lost one on my van last year all that was left was the handles the heads of the screws had rusted through, the new one has washers and stainless screws hope this is some help.
Dec 14, 2006
It's very easy to fit a new skylight - and our local dealer has several different sizes and models. I would think you'll get one from any local dealer. If you can run to it buy one with a 'clear dome' of the mini-heki type (sort of mini mini heki) as you'll notice the difference in light in the van. Don't bother with a second hand one - you may end up losing another.


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