Lucky to be English

May 12, 2006
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How do you know ??? Most of the others resent you !!!! I wonder why that is ????

Looks like the SNP will have the New First Minister today. Seeing so the SNP have promised to cancel Student Debt they got 4 votes from our family.

Val & Frank
May 12, 2006
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Agree 100% LB and long may it continue !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Val & Frank

ps When one of your English Nuclear Power Stations blows up the SNP and Greens will be in a position to say I told you so, well for a couple of minutes they will.

Val & frank
Mar 14, 2005
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Gentlemen - what is the point of having an United States of Europe and then a member country being split up into possibly four different areas within that united states? Surely this is going against the ethos of the EU?
Sep 13, 2006
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In or out - you should be one or the other, not the half way houses we have at the moment.

The only answer to the Scottish and Welsh assemblies is to have English ones as well.

How much more bureaucracy do we need?
Jan 19, 2008
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Personally I don't know if it would be a good thing or not to split. What I do know is that as an Englishman living in England things shouldn't be allowed to carry on as they are at the moment. We have a Parliament at Westminster with a large proportion of Scots in the cabinet. We have M.P.s from all over the U.K. voting on solely English issues whereas English M.P.s have no say in Welsh or Scottish affairs. We have an unfair tax system where we are subsidising Scotland and Wales to the detriment of the English.

The only way I can see this being stopped is by total independence for England, putting a stop to this injustice.I'm not saying that Scotland or Wales can't go it alone, God willing they can, but at least let them subsidise their own transport, health and education.

It will be a sad day for some but not for many others but for me it's the only way forward.

To be English means we've lost our independence already to Scotland, Wales and Europe.

For a lot of Scots it was a nationalistic problem, being governed from London, a foreign country. They can't see no farther than the end of their nose the benefits it had for Scotland and the rest of the U.K. (thats if you count more being spent per person on health and education in Scotland/Wales a good thing for England), it was just the hatred of the English coming out :O(
Mar 14, 2005
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I'm thinking of putting up borders around our house. Crowning me and the dearest, and selling "Independence plaques" to the French tourists. Money will be exchanged at the doorway, you can expect a direct swop of one groat for one pound Stirling.

As there is nothing for sale on the premises, I can only make a killing as the return exchange rate is going to be much more in my favor. I will of course be legalizing all the stuff that has been made illegal recently (with a few exceptions), to encourage tourism and can offer tax free saving accounts for a small fee. All other matters can be discussed and arranged, if financially viable.

Long live the King and Queen of our house. And Rocky (the dog).


LB, I agree with a lot of your points but feel you are being unfair to infer that hatred of the English is at the bottom of all our actions. Certainly there is rivalry and what I would hope is friendly banter and I myself have had many occasions in the past of being accused of being a 'jock' taking a job in England. My usual response was that there were more English in my part of Scotland than Scots, and this usually gave rise to a laugh and a 'ok'. It neither bothered me, nor I hope my good English friends. I also agree with the points regarding the activities of Scottish MP's on purely English matters. This was something raised a very long time ago as the 'West Lothian Question' and Blair was warned that the current situation would occur. Like with many things he chose to ignore all sensible advice and we now have the consequences of his stupidity. Scotland was 'ruled' happily for many many years through the Scottish Office and a Secretary of State as an integral part of the Westminster Parliament. Under the Act of Union the only way the SNP could change anything was to get 36 of the then 72 Scottish MP's to vote for separation, a very unlikely event. Now the Devolution Act has changed all the rules, and because of proportional representation, small parties can get power. Just look at the LibDems. Don't forget Westminster, and all the English Labour MP's voted this Act into law so to call 'foul' now is not really being fair. It needed far more than 72 Scots MP's to win in a 650 seat chamber. England has not lost its liberty to Scotland, unless you choose to do so. I also agree a Scot is likely to be the next PM but again who is voting for him? Not just the Scots. If we had the choice we would throw him out.

I would also question the reports bandied about in the popular Press that we Scots receive far more money than in England. If we all ran around in Mercedes etc then I may agree, but poverty up here is just as bad as south of the border. The remoteness of some parts of the country here do lead to extra expense on certain things that would be done much more cheaply in an inner city for instance, but that is down to geography, not personal choice.

So, while I do recognise the frustration that can be felt in parts of England I would like to feel that it is in the main, misplaced and without being churlish can possibly point out that we up here have had similar thoughts for a far longer period of time.

As I have mentioned in another Post I do not think total separation will ever occur. As has been mentioned within the new Europe such a thing is almost impossible, however, divergence of control is another matter and we may end up similar to Australia where they have State governments and Central Government. Will it be any better? I don't know.
Jan 19, 2008
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LB, I agree with a lot of your points but feel you are being unfair to infer that hatred of the English is at the bottom of all our actions. Certainly there is rivalry and what I would hope is friendly banter and I myself have had many occasions in the past of being accused of being a 'jock' taking a job in England. My usual response was that there were more English in my part of Scotland than Scots, and this usually gave rise to a laugh and a 'ok'. It neither bothered me, nor I hope my good English friends. I also agree with the points regarding the activities of Scottish MP's on purely English matters. This was something raised a very long time ago as the 'West Lothian Question' and Blair was warned that the current situation would occur. Like with many things he chose to ignore all sensible advice and we now have the consequences of his stupidity. Scotland was 'ruled' happily for many many years through the Scottish Office and a Secretary of State as an integral part of the Westminster Parliament. Under the Act of Union the only way the SNP could change anything was to get 36 of the then 72 Scottish MP's to vote for separation, a very unlikely event. Now the Devolution Act has changed all the rules, and because of proportional representation, small parties can get power. Just look at the LibDems. Don't forget Westminster, and all the English Labour MP's voted this Act into law so to call 'foul' now is not really being fair. It needed far more than 72 Scots MP's to win in a 650 seat chamber. England has not lost its liberty to Scotland, unless you choose to do so. I also agree a Scot is likely to be the next PM but again who is voting for him? Not just the Scots. If we had the choice we would throw him out.

I would also question the reports bandied about in the popular Press that we Scots receive far more money than in England. If we all ran around in Mercedes etc then I may agree, but poverty up here is just as bad as south of the border. The remoteness of some parts of the country here do lead to extra expense on certain things that would be done much more cheaply in an inner city for instance, but that is down to geography, not personal choice.

So, while I do recognise the frustration that can be felt in parts of England I would like to feel that it is in the main, misplaced and without being churlish can possibly point out that we up here have had similar thoughts for a far longer period of time.

As I have mentioned in another Post I do not think total separation will ever occur. As has been mentioned within the new Europe such a thing is almost impossible, however, divergence of control is another matter and we may end up similar to Australia where they have State governments and Central Government. Will it be any better? I don't know.
"you are being unfair to infer that hatred of the English is at the bottom of all our actions".

Sorry SL if thats how it read but it really wasn't what I meant.

When saying a lot of Scots I meant those who are intellectually challenged to put a PC description on them. I would rather have described them with my own words but unfortunately there probably would have been calls for the post to be deleted.

We all have them, people like colin said about earlier, when referring to the English as being bad losers. I, nor my family, friends etc. have never rioted or acted like morons over sporting events but the ones who act like that are the kind of people I was referring to.


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