May 10, 2023
Hi all. I have a Lunar Clubmsn SB from 2013.
On my last trip I found a few issues.
1. The toilet will not flush. I have changed the fuse and this is not the problem.
2. The main tap in the caravan will not work although the bathroom tap and shower are fine.
3. The external cover on the water filter has came off and I cannot get it back on without damaging paint work.
4. After about 1 hour driving with the caravan, the raised wheel falls to the floor in spite of being as tight as possible.
Any ideas how I can fix these please?


Nov 11, 2009
Welcome to the Forum.
If your toilet is electric with a press panel and you’ve changed the fuse it is most likely a poor contact to the pcb under the panel. If you look on YouTube you will see videos. Basically gently peel off the panel and expose the pcb. You can then see the contacts. I used electric contact cleaner and a gentle wipe.

The sink tap if not an airlock could be crud behind the nozzle strainer. Remove the nozzle strainer and see if it works without it

Not sure what you mean wrt 3

Fir jockey wheel it should not come free. Clean it so the outer tube is grease free and before departure make sure it is firmly clamped.
Jul 18, 2017
Did you buy the caravan recently and did you buy from a dealer or privately?

We had the 2012 Delta with the electric and had to buy a new pump when we had a similar issue. Just prior to fitting the new pump, it suddenly kicked back into life again so I have a brand new pump that I cannot use as we traded in the Lunar a few years ago. As OC mentioned another problem is leakage or condensation on the PCB which causes corrosion and print goes open circuit. It can be fixed if you have some knowledge of PC boards.

Our water filter was inline and we dumped it as soon as possible and put in a straight pipe as water filter is no longer required due to quality of water. Can you by pass the filter?

The jockey wheel dropping down, does it unwind or drop down through the clamp. The clamp may need replacing? Easy to remove the jockey wheel.
Jan 19, 2002
1. There is a fuse within the cassette void - is that the one you have changed - 3A?
2. remove the tap end filters in both taps - make a note of how the filters are placed - rinse well and blow throw the nylon bit then replace. A regular job with or without an inline filter which needs replacing annually.
3. Presumably this is the flap cover on the inlet with the lugs held secure behind the body of the inlet. You will likely therefore have to remove it, thoroughly clean the part and the bodywork and refit with fresh mastic. In use - assuming it is the square block - the flap should move to horizontal and retain the block as you insert it.
4. Unlikely that the jockey wheel is unwinding - so check the clamp is not bent or damaged and holds the stem of the jockey wheel securely.
Good luck !
Nov 16, 2015
The jockey wheel , I have had the problem, of the handle turning due to road vibration , it's quit common, many people put a bungee strap around the handle to stop it rotating.
Last edited:
May 10, 2023
Thank you all for tKing the tine to reply. I will give these a try and let you know how it goes
May 10, 2020
As to the jockey wheel problem, it is possible to clamp up with the shaft not parallel to the clamp so although it feels as you have tightened things up it’s not gripping properly.


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