Lunar Premier 515 1993 and Fiamma Caravanstore Can

Jul 6, 2015

I am looking to purchase a Fiamma Caravanstore canopy for my Lunar and was wondering if anyone has used on on their Premier 515?

I am concerned about the shape of the awning rail in that it doesn't sit straight and has a 3-4" rise across the longest part meaning I can go with a 3.1M canopy but not the 4.1M I wanted.

Has anyone used this awning who can comment on the amount of 'give' in the bag it is stored in? Could I get away with a 3-4" rise over the 4.1M length by using slack in the bag?

I have phoned a Fiamma agent and have an email in with Fiamma direct but the responses are non-commital and I don't want to waste £££'s on something that won't fit.

Mar 14, 2005
Hello H4rri,

I can't tell you about the awning or how it fits, but hopefully a few words of advice.

I am sorry but not surprised the dealer is rather non committal about the fit, as in law it is the purchaser that should make sure the product is right for the intended purpose, commonly known as "Buyer beware" or "caveat emptor". Perhaps the dealer is thinking if they don't offer any advice, they cannot be held responsible if it doesn't fit.

It's always disappointing to read of dealers that don't seem to want customers, The profit on awnings is quite low, so dealers will not always put the same effort into selling them compared to the a caravan, but that is their loss, because it's usually the ancillaries customer buy that give customers the feel good factor and make them more likely to return in the future.

I suggest you make it clear to the dealer their unhelpfulness is likely to drive you away to another dealer. Loss of custom and future profits are usually frowned on by senior managers and company owners. They may buck their ideas up if you threaten to take our business elsewhere.

Sometimes putting the question in an alternative way can bring better results so have you actually asked the dealer if they can supply an awning of your preferred make and model that will fit your caravan?

You should ask the same question of alternative dealerships, perhaps one of them maybe more helpful.

Any dealer that says they can supply an awning that will fit, then your home and dry because, if when you actually try the awning it doesn't fit then they are in breach of contract and under the Consumer rights act you are entitled to all your money back.

I would advise they you make a written order for the awning and clearly state what you want it for and that it must fit your caravan ( Year make and model) and the price . If the dealer accepts your order, then they have agreed to your specification, and as above if it doesn't work, you can demand your money back, or you might opt for trying another model of awning if the offer it.

If the dealer does not accept your order, then use the internet to look for alternative suppliers.

You may get more information from the Lunar owners websites.
Jun 20, 2005
I suspect the dealer's personnel may not have been alive when the OP'S caravan was made.
Getting an answer on a one year old unit is just as hard :(
Jul 6, 2015
Thanks guys.

To clarify, the dealer is a local one and gave me as much advice as he could without specifically stating that it would fit my van and to be honest I don't blame him. Without knowing the exact profile of my awning rail there is no way either of us could be sure. He did suggest alternatives in both product and fixing solutions so I am more than happy with his service thus far.

I grabbed a tape measure and marked out the 3.1M unit in the lounge last night and was surprised by the size of it so will probably go with that. I will be heading up to the van this weekend though to measure up and be sure.

I will keep you all updated.


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