Manchester show - beware prices higher than web

Jun 18, 2008
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Today I ordered an access ladder from BPS at the Manchester show. When I got home I found it was a bit cheaper on their own website. They have agreed to refund the difference, no problem. Beware not all show prices are necessarily bargains!
Feb 16, 2009
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OOP'S bought some glasses from Riversway at 1.50 each yesterday at the show better check their web site.

Dealers not offering huge discounts, wife fell in love with the Lunar Clubman SE but at 18K and probably only get 10 to 11 K for my 08 Ace Firestar think we stick with what we have, what you gain in the end washroom you lose in the lounge, but still a nice van best l saw their.

Show smaller than the NEC but at least you are not over whelmed with vans.

Campbell's had good stand not impressed with Discovers Leisure's or their the vans they took their, looks like they could be feeling the pinch, not impressed with the Olympus or the Pegasus from Bailey very cheap looking inside against vans of the same price, enjoyed the show not ripped off, got in for
Apr 4, 2005
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We very nearly bought an BPS ladder at a show a couple of years ago. When we got home and looked on the internet, we were shocked at how much cheaper we could get one even from BPS themselves.
Jul 29, 2009
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I actually think the show is going downhill.The venue was a shambles,with the only access at the front of the building.It was quite a distance to walk from the metro for someone who relies on inhalers frequently.

Before long the holiday homes will outdo the caravans.Thus making the vans that were on show a very crowded area.

A very poor show of awnings and caravan accessories,and the farmers market,well,do they think we are all made of money?

After all it is supposed to be a CAMPING AND CARAVAN SHOW.

Yes, coffee was O.K. if you could wait.

Needless to say I think we will give it a miss next year.
Jan 12, 2010
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thought it was poorly sign posted from the car park,I had 2 pensioners with me & the hike was unreal just to get there,why was there no mention of all the building work going on put on the website ???
May 15, 2007
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Certainly my last visit to what i considered a very poor show. I thought prices for food and drink were a rip off, what really caught my attention was so many people walking around empty handed,!! ----there were no new inovations or anything of real interest except maybe the new bailey construction design. The busiest stall i saw was the hamburger one!!

For me i will stick to the internet for spares and accessories


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