Meander through Western France, a Blog

Mar 14, 2005
At long last I have (hopefully) finished my Blog of our recent trip to France. I have used slightly larger main photographs and the thumbnails will also enlarge to a bigger size if double clicked. I make the assumption that the majority of people now have a broadband connection, anyone with a slower connection it will take a bit longer to download. Hope you enjoy. As always comments and questions always welcome.

See it here

Mar 2, 2010
Lovely pictures and interesting text I own up to looking for ideas and its full of them well done
Oct 9, 2010
A nice blog and great for anyone who has not ventured across the Channel.
Some great clear photo's. I wondered if you had thought of adding any pictures of the caravan sites you used and the facilities to give the newbies an idea of what France offers site wise.
Re Baie de Somme, your shot shows you parked at the font of the service area to the side of the fueling area I believe, but the caravan/campervan parking areas for overnighting is right down the end and then a way down to the left away and way out of the way of the trucks and cars pulling in.
A good few years ago we made a last minute booking for France early in the year and some other caravannners on the late night crossing told us to follow them to their overnight stop. That was Baie de Somme Services and we've used it a couple of times since then. Very peaceful night and quieter than many sites, in the summer it is often full quite earlly in the evening and some people overnight where you were parked and that would be noisy
Mar 14, 2005
Throughout the Blog you can link directly to the campsites by name (they are underlined) to a Campsite Review which have been completed for all campsites we stayed at.
Re Baie de Somme, the picture showed where we stopped as we were only there for a short while. I did follow the signs to extra caravan parking but to me it seemed still very close to the autoroute. Perhaps we are fortunate that we can arrange our time as we wish so we don't have the need to stay on service areas.
Thanks for the kind comments about the Blog.
Mar 14, 2005
Thanks David your blog has made great reading especially as our caravan season is virtually at an end and we are starting to think about next year - very inspirational. We did a similar trip a few years ago although we stayed on different sites and unfortunately our trip lasted only about 3 weeks. Photo's were really good - what camera ?
Mar 14, 2005
James S said:
Thanks David your blog has made great reading especially as our caravan season is virtually at an end and we are starting to think about next year - very inspirational. We did a similar trip a few years ago although we stayed on different sites and unfortunately our trip lasted only about 3 weeks. Photo's were really good - what camera ?
Thanks for the kind comments. The camera is a Canon 500D DSLR. Had it about a year now but still getting used to it!

Sep 25, 2009
Hello David,
Excellent blog, as with your previous ones the photographs are excellent and you have a good eye for a picture. As I have indicated in the past, I will certainly be looking to use them as the basis for our future trips to France, once we are retired next year. One small point, could you add a simple itinerary of the route, as I think this would be helpful for anyone to quickly appreciate the route you have taken, if they had a French map at hand.

Well done and best regards,
Mar 14, 2005
Bedford George said:
Hello David,
Excellent blog, as with your previous ones the photographs are excellent and you have a good eye for a picture. As I have indicated in the past, I will certainly be looking to use them as the basis for our future trips to France, once we are retired next year. One small point, could you add a simple itinerary of the route, as I think this would be helpful for anyone to quickly appreciate the route you have taken, if they had a French map at hand.

Well done and best regards,

Thanks for the kind comments. Re the itinerary I have done that in the past and not quite sure why I did not do it this time. When I get a minute I will add one in.


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