Members funny stories

Nov 18, 2008
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I am quite new to caravaning but I bet there must be some really funny stories about peoples experiences on there caravan holidays. It would be great if they could share them & give everyone a laugh.
Jul 25, 2010
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I can give you a good one. Last year while staying down in york I wanted to see the Flying Scotsman in the railway museum. So off we trot my wife and me. We got there and had a good look around the museum and its great value for money, Its free. We have been a few times. Anyway the train was in the workshop in a dismantled state but I still wanted to see it.

Instead of going up the stairs we used the lift, so in we go and press the button. Off the lift goes to the top. It comes to a standstill and the door just seemed to make a very small juder and not opened. Oh Oh my wife says. Dont worry I say, I will press the Open door button. I did this and again the door just judered a bit but never opened.

Its your fault we are stuck the better half says. Not to look worried I says with a smile Just one more try with the Open door button then I will ring the bell. This I did and once more the door just judered and stayed closed.

I was just about to ring the alarm bell when I saw the doors behind us closing. How was I to know that it was a two way lift.

There is a camara in the lift and I just wonder if it is on tape that day. A good one for You have been framed. We tried the same thing with the grand kids a few weeks later. Somehow they knew to turn round and get out the other way. Kids eh, never mind.
Jul 25, 2010
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This july we were down Great Yarmouth for a week. Not wanting to use the car much we got the bus into the town,it was only 15 minute journey. As we got off the bus my wife asked the driver about which bus to get back to the site. This one he says. Thank you.

So around Yarmouth we go, shopping and more shopping. Time to go I says, my wallet was getting hot. So to our relief the bus was standing in the bus stand waiting. We got on and gave the driver our return tickets which he punched holes in. Off the bus goes. After 10 minutes my wife says I cannot remember these streets coming in. I said it might be a circular route out of the town.

We were not worried so as the journey seemed to head out of town toward the south of Yarmouth I started to question what the other driver had said to my wife about which bus to get back.

She said he definatly said this one. So after 40 minutes the bus pulled into the hospital car park and everyone got off. The driver shouts back to us...Last stop folks. What!! I said, the other driver told us that this bus went back to Caister where we were staying. It does but from a different stand, you got on at the wrong one. Well it could of been worse. The driver let us back on without extra payment and did take us back to Yarmouth then from the correct stand set off for Caister.

After 2 1/2 hours we got back to the caravan absolutly knackered. It felt like groundhog day coming back but at least we did see streets we would not normally see. Next time I am taking the car.
Jun 8, 2010
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Hi here is a strange one. While staying in the Lakes, by Ullswater, a few years ago, my husband and I were having a glass or two of wine, outside, while putting the world to rights. The topic of conversation came around to the time of day we like best. As I work night shift, I have always liked dawn, about 430am, when it just starts to get light. My husband stated that he didn't really know what this time of day was like, and so the chat went on.

Having finished our bottle of wine, we snuggled down for the night, and were soon snoring. We were woken up by a very loud bang on our van, up we jumped, and ran outside. All was Quiet, no one was around, and as the site was half empty, no one was near us. We checked the front locker, the water roll, all equipment present and correct. There were not even any strange footprints in the early morning dew on the grass. We had to put it down to a bird dropping something on our roof. When we were discussing this, I noticed the time, and pointed to my husband that now he knew what it was like at 4.30am, as that was the exact time!! Spooky or what!!!
Sep 30, 2006
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Some years ago we were away on a CC site in Devon. Pitched at the back of us was a van with an adjacent car. My wife noticed the car's registration was one digit different to the vans. Most of the reg was correct but the numbers were reversed.Later that week the car and van's registrations matched! Then we realised the car was parked the other way... in other words the car had differing registration plates front and rear! Which one was correct I wonder...
Mar 14, 2005
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One year whilst visiting Devon we arrived at the site and neither of us had the caravan keys on us. The site owners phoned a few local dealers to see if they could help but all to no avail. It therefore meant a 150 mile treck back home to find the keys and then return. My wife decided to take up the offer of the site owner and to stay at the site and enjoy their hospitality. I opened the boot to get a few odds and ends out for her and lo and behold there were the caravan keys in one of my shoes in the boot of the car. I remembered putting them there when loading up as I thought it would be easier to carry them as I had my hands full at the time. Guess who took some time to live this down.
Jun 25, 2005
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When our 3 kids were small we were on a cc site in Cornwall. After a day out, our then 4 year old daughter go out of the car and ran into our neighbours awning and promptly asked ' what are you doing in my caravan' - our vans had similar coloured awnings and both were positioned awning facing road. The van next to us had 3 similar aged kids on holiday with their grandparents. We all just laughed. From then on we've had something outside the van so the kids can spot their own van.
Aug 12, 2007
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kristi said:
In todays is stressful enviroment,plz read[url="] Short jokes[/url] and remove ur stress
Hmm, maybe I'm just over-cautious, but is it safe to click on links provided by people who have only just joined and haven't introduced themselves? I wouldn't, but perhaps that's just me. Oh, and I'm not feeling particularly stressed either, but thanks anyway, lol. ;o)
Jul 1, 2009
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when on site in oxford i got up to make a cupper no milk so i said i will *** to shop grabed my jeans pulled them up and whent to shop saying morning to other camppers.As i got to shop it was shut so whent back to van got car and onto the local supermarket the jeans keept falling down but i put this down to no belt.As i lined up in the long que to the tills i got a few looks as it came to my turn i whent to get my wallet out of the back pocket and felt a strange felling as i looked at the pocket it had diva queen in glitzy sparkles yes i had my wifes jeans on as my wife is biger than me i hed no probs slipping in to them and no i do not make a habbitt of this .....onist guv.


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