Mini Heki

Nov 2, 2005
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I am thinking of replacing a roof vent with a Mini Heki. Has anyone carried out this modification and can they advise on any problems I'm liable to encounter. Thanks.
Apr 13, 2005
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Hi, its a very simple job to do we have swapped both of the standard roof lights in our new ace for the mini heki's as they allow so much more natural light to enter the van. you will need a very sharp knife to cut the seal under the old roof light after you have unscrewed it, i found that the old roof light had only four screws holding it in place, once you have removed the old light clean all the old mastic from the roof i used white spirit and plenty of elbow grease, it has to be absolutely clean. you will receive very detailed instructions with the new roof light as to how it fixes in to the roof and it is very simple it took me round about 1 hour per roof light. make sure you buy the corect mastic for the job by getting it from a caravan spares shop normal mastic is not good enough, and make sure you put plenty on its dead easy to clean the excess off after it has squeezed out but very hard to repair a leak if not enough is applied. we found one tube of mastic just about did both roof lights.
Mar 14, 2005
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Very true normal mastic is not enough

I fitted an Omnimax roof vent using silicone and this was fine for 18 months even resisting the pressure washer.

At the beginning of the year we were at Warwick when we noticed a slight drip (not me) and after removing the inner screws it was possible to lift the Omnimax clear of the roof.The silicone had stuck to the roof but not the Omnimax

Broad Lane Caravans supplied the proper mastic on a roll which was not cheap and stuck immediately with no further problems.
Mar 14, 2005
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Very true normal mastic is not enough

I fitted an Omnimax roof vent using silicone and this was fine for 18 months even resisting the pressure washer.

At the beginning of the year we were at Warwick when we noticed a slight drip (not me) and after removing the inner screws it was possible to lift the Omnimax clear of the roof.The silicone had stuck to the roof but not the Omnimax

Broad Lane Caravans supplied the proper mastic on a roll which was not cheap and stuck immediately with no further problems.
For Omnimax read Omnivent !!
Mar 14, 2005
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I too have changed roof lights for Mini - heki. Agree with JohnG the best mastic is on a roll - made by W4 I think. This is a lot less messy than the tube variety - lay a ribbob along the underside of the heki and trim off the surplus with a sharp knife before placing in position on the roof. Then tighten the screws carefully and in the same way as for a wheel i.e. opposite sides then diagonals and then go back round them all again and a thrid time if necessary. This should pull the frame down evenly onto the mastic.

I found it was necessary to get to the outside of the roof to clean off the old mastic. if you are - how can I put this - not overlarge - then you should be able to get you shoulders up throgh the hole - put your arms out first, and be sure that what you are standing on is secure. Sorry if this sounds obvious but there will probably be some old mastic around and this is very likely to come in contact with you shirt.

I also had some trouble with the screws provided with the heki - either they were too large or the moulded holes were too small. Some lubricant on the screws may prevent the plastic cracking, but don't overtighten. The final trim goes on with little metal clips which appear to be designed not to be removed, so make sure everything is right before you put on the final trim.


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