Mobile phone law

Jan 24, 2015
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So on the 1st March, the penalty for using a mobile phone while driving changed to 6 points and a £200 fine. I'm sure we've all seen people carrying on as normal though!

The use of mobiles has become the norm for many, irrespective of whether they are driving or not and as one involved in safety campaigns, changing behaviour is almost impossible.

I suppose the penalty will not deter many, until they fall foul of it, so what does it take to deter people? I have a personal view that the fine should be higher as we don't like being hit in the pocket!!

I'm interested to know what others think?
Mar 2, 2017
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The police will be out in force for about a month, then it'll go back to normal.
A one month ban would make the offenders think harder.
Mar 14, 2005
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Many phones are now "smart" perhapse they could decet when they are moving faster than say 6mph and prevent themselves from receiving or making calls. :cheer:

Though I suppose that would be no good in most towns and city's with the low average speeds speed :angry:
Feb 3, 2008
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Our car does have a signal that detects the car is moving faster than walking pace and locks all the doors. The same signal could be used as a hand-held phone inhibitor, but would let the hands free bluetooth work.
May 7, 2012
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As someone who investigated accidents and know of fatal accidents caused by using them I would rank it with drink driving and ban drivers caught. If people think there conversation is more important than others lives they are unfit to drive. I agree though enforcement is a problem but have no sympathy for those caught.
Nov 16, 2015
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For at least the last 10 years plus I have had a hands free phone, Earphone thing , auto answer but had to stop to call someone, last two cars have had hands free linked into the car and phone, all good voice activated don't have todo anything apart from think. Which at the best of times is hard.
Nov 6, 2005
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People think because they have bluetooth its ok, but a majority still have to pick up the phone to call or answer which also breaks the law. The part i found interesting is if you are teaching someone to drive or sat beside a leaner driver you cant use your phone either.
Its a long overdue law in my opinion.
Dec 11, 2009
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Here in sunny Dorset, the police caught 46 drivers using their phones in the first hour of the first day of the new law being implemented.

In 2015/16 Kent's finest managed to catch 723 offenders using phones whilst driving. I see more on my trip to the local shops. Knowing the amount of unmarked police cars I see going into and out of county HQ and the traffic depot I can't see how county wide the police only manage to see 2 a day between the lot of them. They really do need to be more observant.
Jun 20, 2005
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Before I retired we all has "hands free" fitted to our company cars.
I well remember driving from a meeting in Nottingham to Cirencester on the mobile . Once I had finished the call I realised I had missed the A42 turnoff and was at Leicester Forest.
I just don't see how you can concentrate on a telephone conversation and drive :angry:
Thus imo Bluetooth is just as dangerous. Your mind just isn't concentrating on driving :eek:hmy:
Aug 23, 2009
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To say that it's okay to use a phone under 6mph is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. It's bad enough as a wheelchair user being walked into regularly by pedestrians using them at walking speed. Caravan club sites have a speed limit of 5 mph. All rally fields I've been on have a 5mph speed limit. So it's okay to use a phone at this speed, be distracted and still mow down a child? I think not. I would go with an automatic 30 day prison sentence, £2000 fine and 12 month driving ban. Or perhaps I put too much value on the lives of others?
Mar 8, 2009
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I'm with you Martin, (and I think so called 'hands free' should be included too, - They may be hands free but they not attention free) I don't think the increased penalties are still enough. In fact the 'brain dead' who use the phone will not even have registered that there has been a change.
Jul 11, 2015
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I undertook an assignment for 9+ months that involved a commute from Hampshire to Northumberland each week. The client issued a mobile, but their policy was no calls or texts whilst travelling despite being incommunicado for several hours. Worked well. When conference calls were planned, they were set at times where I would be planning to take a break in the journey. It really isn't difficult to not use a mobile when driving if you think about it.

Maybe it's the culture nowadays. I often ridicule those idiots that call to say had I got their e-mail yet as I hadn't instantly responded!! You'll know by the shared diary, out of office etc that I'm in transit etc. Just think. Just as easy to switch it off when you get in the car

Then again, only the other day I dropped my wife at the hospital. She texted to say her appointment was delayed. I texted her back when I got home to say I don't text and drive!! :p
Oct 17, 2010
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I'm also with Martin, although I had a very painful experience with an invalid carriage a few years back, ran into the back of my legs and she wasn't on a mobile, she just tootled off looking in the opposite direction.
I have also been walked into by somebody texting.
But will it be enforced for long, be back to normal in a months time. Same as the middle lane hoggers no one seems to be caught there.
May 27, 2014
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Always seems to be the same selfish folk full of there own importance - you know the culprits that I am referring to - smug arrogant type whose time seems to be more important than everyone else's - same folk who cut you up in congested traffic- leased company car - okay so what's my punishment - exterminate them all
May 7, 2012
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Even hands free sets are potentially dangerous as they take your mind of driving and have resulted in accidents. Before I retired all hands free fittings were removed from company cars and drivers were simply banned from using mobiles when driving.
Dec 11, 2009
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Dustydog said:
Before I retired we all has "hands free" fitted to our company cars.
I well remember driving from a meeting in Nottingham to Cirencester on the mobile . Once I had finished the call I realised I had missed the A42 turnoff and was at Leicester Forest.
I just don't see how you can concentrate on a telephone conversation and drive :angry:
Thus imo Bluetooth is just as dangerous. Your mind just isn't concentrating on driving :eek:hmy:
I take it you don't listen to "Popmaster" on radio 2 whilst driving. You'd score zero every time. ;)
Nov 16, 2015
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Please correct me again, I believe that a licensed short wave radio, holder can use a hand held telephonic device, which give them, imunity from this law.

As an Aircraft engineer flying lots, In Africa, when without pasengers, the pilot, would fly and I would radio call or visa versa. ,as One person its way too much.
Jul 11, 2015
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EH52ARH said:
Please correct me again, I believe that a licensed short wave radio, holder can use a hand held telephonic device, which give them, imunity from this law.

As an Aircraft engineer flying lots, In Africa, when without pasengers, the pilot, would fly and I would radio call or visa versa. ,as One person its way too much.

Another scenario is when pc plod responds on his personal radio, as often seen on police interceptors :p does his colleague then nick him?
Mar 14, 2005
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Martin24 said:
To say that it's okay to use a phone under 6mph is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. It's bad enough as a wheelchair user being walked into regularly by pedestrians using them at walking speed. Caravan club sites have a speed limit of 5 mph. All rally fields I've been on have a 5mph speed limit. So it's okay to use a phone at this speed, be distracted and still mow down a child? I think not. I would go with an automatic 30 day prison sentence, £2000 fine and 12 month driving ban. Or perhaps I put too much value on the lives of others?

I didn't suggest that it was, i was looking for method of detecting when a mobile phone might be being used at more than walking speed, as it would be in a car, motor cycle or even a bicycle , 6mph was just a stab in the ether, perhaps we should make it 1mph.
Jun 20, 2005
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ProfJohnL said:
Martin24 said:
To say that it's okay to use a phone under 6mph is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. It's bad enough as a wheelchair user being walked into regularly by pedestrians using them at walking speed. Caravan club sites have a speed limit of 5 mph. All rally fields I've been on have a 5mph speed limit. So it's okay to use a phone at this speed, be distracted and still mow down a child? I think not. I would go with an automatic 30 day prison sentence, £2000 fine and 12 month driving ban. Or perhaps I put too much value on the lives of others?

I didn't suggest that it was, i was looking for method of detecting when a mobile phone might be being used at more than walking speed, as it would be in a car, motor cycle or even a bicycle , 6mph was just a stab in the ether, perhaps we should make it 1mph.
The fact is even 1mph is too much. Omph nothing more B)
May 7, 2012
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I cannot see that a device to prevent a phone being used when traveling is workable as it would prevent passengers and bus and train users from using them.
Nov 16, 2015
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Having travelling on trains and busses , that might not be a bad Idea, had journey from Euston to Capital of the UK,. Milton Keynes. And the young girl was on the phone to her Workmate for the whole 40 minutes . Last words , "See you later". Aaaaggghh.


Nov 12, 2009
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It's about time that there was a crackdown on mobile phone use when driving a motor vehicle, I regularly see drivers on their phones or even texting as they drive! I'd say that the offence is as serious and as unacceptable as driving under the influence of alcohol, so an immediate 12 driving ban ought to be introduced for those found guilty.


This incident involved a female driver using her mobile phone as she pulled out of a side road into the path of a speeding motorcycle rider.
The Honda motorcycle embedded itself into the car, killing the motorcycle rider, the car driver and her passenger.
I wonder if the phone call was urgent? :(


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