Mobile Phones

Oct 17, 2006
Motorist are still using Mobile Phones whilst driving, I counted 3 people on their phones today,I was just driving 2 miles into town. One motorist too busy talking jumped the red light.
Dec 16, 2003
Quite frankly.

What do you expect!

Closing the gate after the horse has bolted has always been a fat lot of use!
Apr 11, 2005
We need more police back on the roads to see them do it and till they do this a lot of thing get missed now days not just the use of mobile phones.

Dec 16, 2003
The police are to busy in their cars driving and Chatting on their Mobile Phones.

We've moved counties and still see the Police here driving by phone in hand !

One a couple of weeks back holding the steering wheel and a sandwich as he talked and his partner had phone to his ear as well!
Jan 3, 2007
Of course you know the police are exempt from complying to the motoring laws the rest of us have to abide by!

I fully support the banning of hand held phones whilst driving but I do not have any support for the police at all when they openly disregard the law themselves, just because they can.

There was a major thread on the AOL message boards on the police and their own bad motoring habits, it seems they just don't need to comply because if they use their hand held phone or radio, speed past a speed camera (even when they are not on blues) it is considered to be acceptable under an all encompassing get out called "operational needs".

In 2005 Essex police were reported a total of 155 times for speed camera offences during NON emergency use. 149 of these were considered to be acceptable for "operational needs" whilst the remaining 6 were pending investigation. Not one prosecution was bought against any of them.

A recent case in Rotherham made the news where a constable was caught on speed camera doing 48mph in a 30 zone whilst returniing from the Chinese Takeaway after collecting food for the night shift. He was cleared of any offence on the same operational needs get out....Well they did'nt want their food to get cold, did they!!!

As far as I'm concerned I think the police have a difficult job but they do little to earn the respect of the law abiding motorists when they carry on with a "do as I say and not what I do" attitude to everyone else.
May 21, 2008
While I fully support all said so far and as a phone user myself I actually don't hold any conversation while driving as i believe that a phone conversation is certainly more distracting than a general in car conversation with your occupants.

However, I do think that just as much emphasis should be placed on certian other activities going on while the driver is on the move.

Dogs in cars for a start. As a dog owner myself I believe it is not only dangerous for the human occupants but also dangerous for the animal (however small or well behaved) to have dogs loose in the passenger compartment of a vehicle. If you stop quickly then the dog becomes a missile!!

How about a cigarette then. Naked flame used to ignite it (even seen matches being used), a red hot ember at the end of your lips and a smouldering stick to hold while turning the steering wheel.

What realy amuzes me is that often a smoker will spark up a *** just as they are about to excecute a difficult manouver, why?

Then of coarse when the *** is finished with it just get's chucked out of the window. We have a few incidents in the summer of straw bail trailers apparently self combusting while on the highway(catching fire on their own)without reason. Or is the latter the reason, a disguarded ciggy?

Then of coarse we have the long distance driver who thinks it's "cool" to drink piping hot coffee on the move. Drop the cup and then find out which part of your annatomy is "cool"!!

Then last but not least is the lost driver balancing their copy of the A to Z on the steering wheel while lokking totally lost!!

All of the above are just typical of what you WILL see in just a half hour drive anywhere.

What do our illustrious coppers do about them? ****** all!

They are more interested in using the hair dryer's.
Sep 13, 2006

Re. your comment about disgarded cigarettes out of cars.

Whilst m/cycling with a small group of friends some years ago somebody threw a dogend out of the window of a car and it hit the bottom end of my friends open face helmet visor with loads of burning ash being sprinkled around his neck and down his jacket front.

He managed to stop without being involved in an accident, but to me any driver throwing fagends out of cars should be banned and locked up.
Oct 17, 2006
I do like most people these days own and use a mobile, if I need my mobile whilst driving I use a ear piece, but even that I dont use on a regular basis too much of a distraction I believe. I have 2 dogs whilst in the car they have their dog harnesses on. I do smoke but only on long trips and I do not throw cigarette out of the window, as years ago I used to ride a motor bike, nothing worse than having a dog end in your face from the car in front.

Finally I heard on the radio the government are spending 30million on training inspectors to film smokers in pubs,clubs after the 1st July.

So while I cannot enjoy my cigarette in a smoking bar, I have to put up with these idiots on the road who cannot live without their mobiles.
Dec 16, 2003
Well there is a time and a place for every in car habit.

Two of my kids have well paid jobs that involve them being on the road, my daughter is a consultant and clients pay a hell of a lot for her companies services and her employers supply

bluetooth headsets and in car speaker system. She and my son are both expected to take calls on the road along with many thousands of others.

One of her clients just signed a
Oct 17, 2006
I left my well paid job and life style in London 25years ago, to live down here in beauitful Cornwall to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. I expect you come down here for your holidays to relax for quite holiday stress free. It just makes me angry to see motorist using their mobiles just to do their work I am quite happy now with my job, my old car, my old tourer. If only motorist would put their brain in gear for driving with safety first. PS we have broadband on site hear so when you come on holiday you can still be in touch with the outside world, in the comfort of your own tourer or motorhome. You can even use your mobiles no need for ear pieces on site.
Dec 16, 2003
What your saying Liz is that you are a 3rd rate Cornish woman:)

If you live there until you die you may get to be 2 rate, but without being born there and living there all your life no matter how accepted you feel you can never make it to fully accepted ;-)

As the grandson of a true Cornishmen if everyone quit London for Cornwall where would we be. I along with many others quit the South West for employment reasons.

We rarely go to Cornwall any more as it is such a rip off county with little respect for the
Mar 14, 2005
Hello Liz,

About three years ago I was following a car that mounted the pavement and ran into a garden hedge no more than 2M away from a bus stop crowded with children after school. The driver - a company rep - had been using his mobile.

I am sometimes consulted by businesses, and I always tell them that if I am driving I will not answer or make a call.

As a straw poll, I have asked my children to look carefully at groups of 10 passing cars, and to watch how many are using mobiles, or to see how many are not wearing seat belts, and it is usually 20% or more and it is amazing how often we find 40%.

I shall leave you to guess on how you might categorise them by vehicle age gender etc.
Dec 16, 2003
We noted similar thing where we lived before.

Apart from the usual reps and van drivers etc we noted the a high proportion of very young women in "first" type cars were on mobiles and numerous drivers of private hired School buses that work around Berkshire and Surrey area.
Feb 8, 2007
Money over life, very sad but true fact, keep your mobiles and all the I'll earned money they generate, I'll settle for a clear Conscience.

Dec 16, 2003
Fine sentiment Berty but sadly not reality for many people.

Driving when you've had a bad day or little sleep and plenty of others things could be applied to that.

Don't forget that government has taken Billions of pounds from mobile phone licensing and then seem to think that

"mobiles" will not be used when "mobile", pity they didn't give it a little more thought before they grabbed the money and tax's on mobiles and failed to spend very much if anything on educationg people and employers.

As above, a lot are given little choice when working and driving, a driver may lose his license or kill somebody but what happens to the employers that force the use of phones.

When driving to jobs my mobiles often rung many times when people know I will be on the road and I've had some very narky people when I will not answer.
Oct 17, 2006
Chris, I agree jobs for life for kids are well gone, I have a daughter myself. But its the best thing for us moving down here, better life for her, no matter where you live as long as your happy. I have just come in from site to see all my Holiday makers in for the half term week more
Mar 14, 2005
Obviously some people are just too mean to fork out a couple of quid for a hands-free setup so that they can continue to use their mobile without sticking it next to their ear.
Dec 16, 2003
We have lived in the countryside for nearly 25 years and had a house with land and now live back in my wifes childhood home surrounded by fields and open country and farms until we decide on our future.

My wife has a sixty mile commute most days now but she has a pension to think of not to far off and would not be on the road without a mobile.

Our son gave up London last September for East Sussex and our elder daughter lives in rural area of Yorkshire and owns her own house and is buying a second at just 27, reality is that she earns a lot compared to us at o age and expeience and has her eyes set on a directorship of her new company and easy street before she is 40.

Her old boss was a director at thirty five and on 100k plus and bonuses but she wants more sp moved on when head hunted by bigger fish.

If she doesn't do it someone else will, as self employed myself I could not live without PC and mobile phones and all though I can't go out and work I can still bring in work for my team who are away on the road most of the time.

Our kids grew up with us building and struggling but went riding and were surrounded by their own animals.

With her friends still with student debt and some still seeking the jobs they trained for along with some of my sons friends in the same boat it's not alot of good telling them and thousands of others to slow down.

People here moan about speeding and all manner of things, modern day livig is to blame for many of modern lifes short cuts and bad habits.
Mar 14, 2005
The desire or the need to phone while driving still doesn't mean that you have to have a mobile phone in your hand. There are so many safe systems on the market, often even voice controlled, so you don't have to touch anything.
Feb 8, 2007
Sum it up in one word "materialistic "& not to shy to share it!!!Why do people have to brag? The quality of life was much simpler and better with far less stress 40yrs ago. What a sad incitement of the world we live in where people cant be happy unless they have all the sad trappings our society brings, and then are they happy? Doubt it, with the exception of Liz, who has got out of the rat race, who by the sounds of it has made herself a much happier life, good on you.

Dec 16, 2003
The pace of life may have been slower 40 years ago Berty and in some ways less stress and many had "jobs for Life" and a secure pension at the end of there working days.

If you take people like my wife in Education,we have teacher friends with no issues re their ability pushed out of jobs health destroyed due to political agendas and waved away with an offer of
Feb 8, 2007
In a word YES,It was much more of an adventure 40yrs ago when we used to go vaning, very little creature comforts, but boy did we enjoy it.

Nov 7, 2005
Don't be deceived into thinking that hands free kits are outside the new legislation. If they are driving badly while on the phone, drivers can be prosecuted for not being in proper control of their vehicle.


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