Mobility Scooters

Sep 24, 2008
My Wife has the Shoprider which comes apart in three parts, For me you could say four parts as the battery compartment is so heavy I take them out before lifting the rear motor section. We have the Skoda Hatchback and it is getting bit of a effort to lift into the boot. Strange as when we bought it the first thing my wife said was can you lift it which I replied yes, that was four years ago which tells me I am getting past it .How do other members get on with carrying them.
Jun 20, 2005
MiL has a Pride Go Plus. The heaviest bit is the rear motor . Not too difficult for me. However I can appreciate your concern. Have you thought about a built in hoist to your car? A home made ramp ground to boot. Could the battery pack go on the back seat floor?
May 24, 2014
I was parked up the other day and i noticed a Santa Fe pull up in a disabled bay opposite. On seeing the alacrity a young couple jumped out with my first thought was that they were taking liberties. How wrong i was. They had a disabled child with them. This is what had caught my attention and i was watching as they opened the rear hatch to retrieve a sophisticated looking wheelchair. They lowered this down with what appeared to be a very unobtrusive hoist. May be your answer. The hoist was very neat and took up very little boot space. Possibly a mobility specialist could help.
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Nov 12, 2009
I bought a used Go Pride plus a couple of years ago via Ebay, and so far I've only used it once.
It breaks down into 5 parts with the seat and the battery, and although I can lift it in and out of my Kia Sorento caravan tug ok, lifting it in and out of my Ford Fiesta Fiesta runabout is more awkward for me.
This hadn't mattered until quite recently, I've always resisted using the mobility scooter because I hope to preserve my ability to walk ok by walking rather than riding.
My situation has changed a bit recently, a further problem has arisen with my leg which doesn't look like being resolved anytime soon because hospitals are still very reluctant to allow face to face consultations with surgical consultants
Because the Pride scooter is a bit awkward for me I've bought a used reconditioned Drive Smart auto folding lightweight mobility scooter for under half the cost of a brand new model.
My new scooter will be delivered tomorrow, apparently the whole thing weighs 21kgs but it folds itself into a suitcase type shape which should be much easier for me to lift in and out of the Fiesta.
I won't have to bend down to assemble the new self folder, it's all done via a key fob.
The downside with the new mobility scooter compared to the larger Go Pride model (which I shall keep for holidays) is that the range is limited, the speed is limited and the newer model is only designed for travelling along flat supermarket or shopping mall floor surfaces, whereas the Go Pride model is ok for uneven pavements, inclines and grass surfaces.
I'll report back when I've tested the self folder tomorrow.
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Jul 18, 2017
I bought a used Go Pride plus a couple of years ago via Ebay, and so far I've only used it once.
It breaks down into 5 parts with the seat and the battery, and although I can lift it in and out of my Kia Sorento caravan tug ok, lifting it in and out of my Ford Fiesta Fiesta runabout is more awkward for me.
This hadn't mattered until quite recently, I've always resisted using the mobility scooter because I hope to preserve my ability to walk ok by walking rather than riding.
My situation has changed a bit recently, a further problem has arisen with my leg which doesn't look like being resolved anytime soon because hospitals are still very reluctant to allow face to face consultations with surgical consultants
Because the Pride scooter is a bit awkward for me I've bought a used reconditioned Drive Smart auto folding lightweight mobility scooter for under half the cost of a brand new model.
My new scooter will be delivered tomorrow, apparently the whole thing weighs 21kgs but it folds itself into a suitcase type shape which should be much easier for me to lift in and out of the Fiesta.
I won't have to bend down to assemble the new self folder, it's all done via a key fob.
The downside with the new mobility scooter compared to the larger Go Pride model (which I shall keep for holidays) is that the range is limited, the speed is limited and the newer model is only designed for travelling along flat supermarket or shopping mall floor surfaces, whereas the Go Pride model is ok for uneven pavements, inclines and grass surfaces.
I'll report back when I've tested the self folder tomorrow.

Is this the one with the lithium battery? If so be extremely careful about charging the battery. We had endless hassles with our lithium battery on my previous mobility scooter.
When charging I could not leave it connected like my Pride Go scooter and needed to remove the charger. If I forgot to connect up the charger, after 3 days the battery may go flat and if it goes flat you may not be able to recover the battery. Replacement batteries are about £300-£400.
This was about 3 - 4 years ago so maybe technology has moved on however as most mobility scooters are manufactured in China this may not be the case. Did you know that if you imported direct a mobility from China it will cost you about £200-£300 after ant taxes and custom duties and the same scooter sells here for £2500?


Nov 12, 2009
Is this the one with the lithium battery? If so be extremely careful about charging the battery. We had endless hassles with our lithium battery on my previous mobility scooter.
When charging I could not leave it connected like my Pride Go scooter and needed to remove the charger. If I forgot to connect up the charger, after 3 days the battery may go flat and if it goes flat you may not be able to recover the battery. Replacement batteries are about £300-£400.
This was about 3 - 4 years ago so maybe technology has moved on however as most mobility scooters are manufactured in China this may not be the case. Did you know that if you imported direct a mobility from China it will cost you about £200-£300 after ant taxes and custom duties and the same scooter sells here for £2500?
Thanks Buckman, I'll be careful with charging the battery.
Jan 3, 2012
I brought a Go GO elite Traveller plus this was only 10 months old when I received it and like what (Parksy says it breaks down to five bits . but all i do is take the battery pack and the seat off and lift it in with the wife .
This Mobility Scooter suits me because of the weight capacity 23 stone (147Kg)
Also been tall 6ft 5ins


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Jan 3, 2012
I bought a used Go Pride plus a couple of years ago via Ebay, and so far I've only used it once.
It breaks down into 5 parts with the seat and the battery, and although I can lift it in and out of my Kia Sorento caravan tug ok, lifting it in and out of my Ford Fiesta Fiesta runabout is more awkward for me.
This hadn't mattered until quite recently, I've always resisted using the mobility scooter because I hope to preserve my ability to walk ok by walking rather than riding.
My situation has changed a bit recently, a further problem has arisen with my leg which doesn't look like being resolved anytime soon because hospitals are still very reluctant to allow face to face consultations with surgical consultants
Because the Pride scooter is a bit awkward for me I've bought a used reconditioned Drive Smart auto folding lightweight mobility scooter for under half the cost of a brand new model.
My new scooter will be delivered tomorrow, apparently the whole thing weighs 21kgs but it folds itself into a suitcase type shape which should be much easier for me to lift in and out of the Fiesta.
I won't have to bend down to assemble the new self folder, it's all done via a key fob.
The downside with the new mobility scooter compared to the larger Go Pride model (which I shall keep for holidays) is that the range is limited, the speed is limited and the newer model is only designed for travelling along flat supermarket or shopping mall floor surfaces, whereas the Go Pride model is ok for uneven pavements, inclines and grass surfaces.
I'll report back when I've tested the self folder tomorrow.
Hi Parksy Just one thing the new scooter User Weight 125kg (19.7st ) is that ok
Jul 18, 2017
Thanks Buckman, I'll be careful with charging the battery.
I would prefer a mobility scooter with a good quality reliable lithium battery. We find that the lead acid battery in my current scooter is just that bit too heavy for the wife to lift. Like you I prefer the effort walking rather than relying on using the scooter.


Nov 12, 2009
My self folding mobility scooter was delivered this afternoon.
It looks like new which I'm quite pleased about.
I haven't tried it out yet, the lithium battery wasn't charged so I've given it an 8 hour charge as recommended in the owners manual.
The scooter has a zippable waterproof cover which should protect it in the boot of the car and the folded scooter can be wheeled suitcase style between the car and the house.
I'll try a ride around Tesco's tomorrow.
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May 24, 2014
Forget the boot of the car Parksy. How are you gonna get it on the free bus back up from St Ives?
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Nov 12, 2009
Forget the boot of the car Parksy. How are you gonna get it on the free bus back up from St Ives?
I'll have all day long to walk around St Ives though, so no need to give my other half a good fitness workout by trying to keep up with my scooter 😁
Jan 3, 2012
My self folding mobility scooter was delivered this afternoon.
It looks like new which I'm quite pleased about.
I haven't tried it out yet, the lithium battery wasn't charged so I've given it an 8 hour charge as recommended in the owners manual.
The scooter has a zippable waterproof cover which should protect it in the boot of the car and the folded scooter can be wheeled suitcase style between the car and the house.
I'll try a ride around Tesco's tomorrow.
Hi Parksy keep us updated of how you get on at the supermarket
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May 24, 2014
Im guessing nobody will be doing much walking around St Ives. I have this awful feeling that its going to be extremely busy. Sort of situation where when the crowd stops, you stop. It reminds me of when we slipped up by visiting Mont St Michel on the equivalent of a French Bank holiday. Extremely narrow streets and we were jammed shoulder to shoulder the whole may. Bring on St Ives.


Nov 12, 2009
Im guessing nobody will be doing much walking around St Ives. I have this awful feeling that its going to be extremely busy. Sort of situation where when the crowd stops, you stop. It reminds me of when we slipped up by visiting Mont St Michel on the equivalent of a French Bank holiday. Extremely narrow streets and we were jammed shoulder to shoulder the whole may. Bring on St Ives.
Last year the council closed the roads around the waterfront to holiday vehicles.
There was supposed to be a keep left pedestrian system along the pavements which was largely ignored.
We avoid the town when it's crowded, in fact since this pandemic started we avoid crowds wherever we are.
I shall go out to a supermarket later today to give the aforementioned. mobility scooter a try out, but it will be after 6pm when the majority of shoppers will be at home.
Mar 14, 2005
I'll have all day long to walk around St Ives though, so no need to give my other half a good fitness workout by trying to keep up with my scooter 😁
She can get an even better work out if she pushes the scooter to save the battery:cool:
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Nov 11, 2009
She can get an even better work out if she pushes the scooter to save the battery:cool:
Push it with some gusto and the batttery may get an increased level of charge. That's how Rivian have designed the system on the EV pickup, a tow charge, but probably best not from another EV, but okay from PHEV or ICE .😂
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Jan 3, 2012
I'll have all day long to walk around St Ives though, so no need to give my other half a good fitness workout by trying to keep up with my scooter 😁
Hi Parksy you could always take both scooters then you be doing the same speed :)
May 24, 2014
No, he just needs the one with the greatest kerbweight. Mind you, it will take a long time to get to Cornwall.


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