? Moderator re naming names

Aug 4, 2005
Could I ask for some clarification regarding a topic that appears to keep cropping up i.e. when a forum memeber comes has cause to complain about services provided by a company or caravan site then posts to advise other memebers but cannot mention the name of the offending company.

I can understand the desire not to have posts full of unsubstantiated deragatory remarks about companies and the possibility of legal action should these comments be unfounded but as these remarks are not made by Practical Caravan Magazine surely ant action taken would be against the person doing the posting?

What happens when the magazine itself does a product review of a new 'van or accessory. If the product is not up to standard is the magazine not allowed to print this for fear of legal action?

Mar 16, 2005
Apparently the publisher is responsible for the content of the magazine, even if a letter or article was written by someone not employed by the company.

The real problem comes, as you say, when some disgruntled person posts a complaint full of derogatory and/or unsubstantiated comments.

I'm sure forum users can get away with posts containing negative reviews, about caravan parks or businesses, as long as the comments are of a general nature and clearly the individual poster's private opinion. Such statements as:

"We did not like Xxxx park as we felt it was too noisy and crowded."

"I wasn't happy with the offer they made on my trade-in caravan."

Just avoid quoting incidents, figures, what was said, or any facts that could be challenged in court or disproved by a witness.
Mar 14, 2005
Having read such a case a little while back and then heard the other side of the story I can sympathise with the "management"

Say no more (wink wink)
Mar 14, 2005
First off - I have no strong view either way - other than to say if I had a real problem I would not bother to try to achieve redress via a Forum.

However, warning fellow Forum users as to bad practice seems a fair and equitable function of any Forum. After all the feedback on insurance companies both good and bad has, I am sure been useful.

My issue is one that has been brought up before.

Mod1 kindly confirms that:-

"The publisher is responsible for the content of the mag"

However, it is my understanding that a Forum such as this has not as yet been legally established as being part of the "Magazine". But it could easily happen and soon!

Why is this a problem? - for the reasons Mod1 states:-

"Just avoid quoting incidents, figures, what was said or any facts that could be challenged in a court or disproved by a witness".

My issue is one that I raised some time ago when the ever helpful and technical wiz - Lutz - as well as others quoted some figures that were disputed by others.

Imagine the scenario in a court after a horrendous accident where a caravan tower is being taken to task for having an illegal combination. He quotes information obtained from this Forum as his defence which unbeknown to him is incorrect.

I would strongly suggest that if PCV is worried about facts and figs appearing on the Forum that it could be one day held to account for, then the same should apply to the facts and figures banded about on this Forum re what is safe and what is not should also be subject to the same guidelines.


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