More nationalist bigotry

Jan 19, 2008
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The Welsh Sports Minister, Rhodri Glyn Thomas, is demanding that at the F.A. cup final between Cardiff and Portsmouth the Welsh national anthem, Land of My Fathers, be played.

When will these political buffoons learn to open their traps on things they are knowledgeable about.

I have a message for Rhodri Glyn Thomas.

Cardiff play in the English Football League, this is the English F.A. Cup Final so get over it. If Rhodri Glyn Thomas has any misgivings about that he should ban Cardiff, Swansea and Wrexham from playing in the English league.

Quote ...

But Gwyn Davies from the Valley Rams supporters club said he did not think Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau should be played.

"I don't think we should distract from what's going on - on the pitch," he said.

"There's no prouder Welshman than me but this is not the time and the place.

"It's not Wales v England, it's two teams in the English FA Cup final".

Ahhhh, a man of reasoning from the valleys who I think should be the Welsh Sports Minister.

It is people like Thomas who stir up national hatred.

Thankfully theres been no comment from the club so far regarding this matter and I would think that Dave Jones would wish that dear Rhodri would keep his snout out of club matters.

Good luck to both teams, I have no preference to who wins because as representatives in next seasons EUFA Cup I don't think any of them will get very far :O(
Jan 19, 2008
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For the Welsh who are going to the F.A. cup final, please print out the following.

Then inwardly digest the words and remember them so you can sing till your lil' tonsils are sore ...

And did those feet in ancient time

Walk upon England's mountains green

And was the holy lamb of God

On England's pleasant pastures seen

And did the countenance divine

Shine forth upon our clouded hills

And was Jerusalem builded here

Among those dark Satanic mills

Bring me my bow of burning gold

Bring me my arrows of desire

Bring me my spears o'clouds unfold

Bring me my chariot of fire

I will not cease from mental fight

Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand

'Til we have built Jerusalem

In England's green and pleasant land

'Til we have built Jerusalem

In England's green and pleasant land :O)

Heh! heh! heh!

Just kiddin' Colyn ap Brydgynd and Clive(Caerdydd) :OP

Forums gone quiet lately so I thought I'd liven it up :O)
Aug 12, 2007
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For the Welsh who are going to the F.A. cup final, please print out the following.

Then inwardly digest the words and remember them so you can sing till your lil' tonsils are sore ...

And did those feet in ancient time

Walk upon England's mountains green

And was the holy lamb of God

On England's pleasant pastures seen

And did the countenance divine

Shine forth upon our clouded hills

And was Jerusalem builded here

Among those dark Satanic mills

Bring me my bow of burning gold

Bring me my arrows of desire

Bring me my spears o'clouds unfold

Bring me my chariot of fire

I will not cease from mental fight

Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand

'Til we have built Jerusalem

In England's green and pleasant land

'Til we have built Jerusalem

In England's green and pleasant land :O)

Heh! heh! heh!

Just kiddin' Colyn ap Brydgynd and Clive(Caerdydd) :OP

Forums gone quiet lately so I thought I'd liven it up :O)
LOL LB - so long as you don't 'liven up' our forum too much!!! LMAO
Jan 19, 2008
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For the Welsh who are going to the F.A. cup final, please print out the following.

Then inwardly digest the words and remember them so you can sing till your lil' tonsils are sore ...

And did those feet in ancient time

Walk upon England's mountains green

And was the holy lamb of God

On England's pleasant pastures seen

And did the countenance divine

Shine forth upon our clouded hills

And was Jerusalem builded here

Among those dark Satanic mills

Bring me my bow of burning gold

Bring me my arrows of desire

Bring me my spears o'clouds unfold

Bring me my chariot of fire

I will not cease from mental fight

Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand

'Til we have built Jerusalem

In England's green and pleasant land

'Til we have built Jerusalem

In England's green and pleasant land :O)

Heh! heh! heh!

Just kiddin' Colyn ap Brydgynd and Clive(Caerdydd) :OP

Forums gone quiet lately so I thought I'd liven it up :O)
You tell me you don't do political Sooze so I spare you :OP
Jun 20, 2005
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Lord B,

If only jerusalem was our national anthem , I'd let the Welsh play theirs at Cardiff. No way can I say God save the Queen competes with Land of My fathers.

Why do us English alwayshave second best , grrrr.


Jan 19, 2008
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Quote alan ...

"Why do us English alwayshave second best"

Because we let them alan, we are not nationalist enough. We are afraid of upsetting people. The problem is we haven't got a our own parliament, government with English leaders.

Thankfully, due to the media, papers like the Express and Mail, the English are beginning to awaken and realise what is happening. What we have to do first though is get rid of this shyte government and send Gordy, Darling and the others back north of the border :O)

It's a Scottish plot I tell you, planted down here to keep us English in place.

Heh! heh! heh!
Aug 12, 2007
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Lord B,

If only jerusalem was our national anthem , I'd let the Welsh play theirs at Cardiff. No way can I say God save the Queen competes with Land of My fathers.

Why do us English alwayshave second best , grrrr.


Hear, hear Alan - Jersulem is a wonderfully rousing song, much better than our dreary National Anthem - and I'm a Royalist!!

(oops, better shut up now, don't want LB to think I'm getting political in any way, shape or form!!) ;-)
Jun 20, 2005
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Lord B

Quite right. We English are such a soft touch. the Scottish and Welsh parliament play "choclate soldiers" and spend our English money like water and then demand to be their own country. So how come they all get free medical prescriptions and us old English lags have to pay??

When did you see a sign in England that said " Paid for with EU Grant..." In Wales and Scotland they are aplenty. We English really must have pis-ed someone off badly down the line??


Jan 19, 2008
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Quote alan ...

"the Scottish and Welsh parliament play "choclate soldiers" and spend our English money like water and then demand to be their own country".

Shush alan, we don't want to be upsetting the colonials do we? :O) Heh! heh!

Oops there I go as well, not wanting to upset them and making excuses.
Oct 9, 2006
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Quote alan "We English really must have pis-ed someone off badly down the line??"

Probably because many Englanders continually make derogatory remarks against the Welsh and Scottish.... ;)

Quote alan ...

"the Scottish and Welsh parliament play "choclate soldiers" and spend our English money like water and then demand to be their own country".

Yes it's great isnt it. I for one am enjoying the free prescriptions and hospital car parking.

Rumour has it that the us Welsh will recieve a voucher entitling us to a massive 50% of any new caravan! (Funded of course by the E.U. :&))

Jan 19, 2008
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I knew I would flush him out eventually.

Beware all you Taffies, andrew (Maesteg)is really a SNP spy, planted by the Eck at Plaid Cymru H.Q.

His real name is Andrew McSteg from Arbroath. He's a kipper smoker by trade.

It's all a plan by the Eck, following the Germans example, of taking over Europe by stealth. The Eck is doing it on a smaller scale in taking over the U.K.

Rise up you peasants and look around you, there are dark deeds afoot :O(
Jun 20, 2005
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OMG. What will happen when Tony Blair becomes EU President and super Gord becomes EU Chancellor?

Now if my history is correct the last little corporal who became a Chancellor caused havoc in our country and destroyed his own.


Oct 9, 2006
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Quote LB "I knew I would flush him out eventually.

Beware all you Taffies, andrew (Maesteg)is really a SNP spy, planted by the Eck at Plaid Cymru H.Q.

His real name is Andrew McSteg from Arbroath. He's a kipper smoker by trade.

It's all a plan by the Eck, following the Germans example, of taking over Europe by stealth. The Eck is doing it on a smaller scale in taking over the U.K.

Rise up you peasants and look around you, there are dark deeds afoot :O("

Haha.. very witty.

But alas, there is some truth in your comments..My name is actually Andrew MacIntosh originally from Aberdeen; so indeed a Scotsman.

BTW, My apologies for the long delay in replying to your post but I was busy preparing 90,000 copies of "Land Of My Fathers" that I will be distributing to ticket holders of Mays Final.

Jun 20, 2005
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So the secrets out, you are a true Scot.

Oh well I have to own up that the land of my fathers is Blair Atholl, Perthshire and hence I am a Robertson and part of the Clan Donnachaidh. Originally The Robertsons of Struan. But I was born in Sutton Surrey and as I now live in Wiltshire I am very confused who I am.

Do you think that as I am of Scottish descent I can get a free prescription pass, bus pass, and free hospital car parking? Maybe even a free ration of Arbroath smokies, yum yum.

Oh yes I also have to say somehow in all the confusion my second name is Mervyn. That's Welsh isn't it. God I am a mess!


Oct 9, 2006
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See, I am not the only one living a double life. Anyway, as it happens,The National Assembly Of Wales has so much E.U. funding that they are toying with the idea of purchasing Gloucestershire,Somerset and Wiltshire so hang in there and the freebies will follow.


Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B. has at long last shown his true colours. He is not fit to sit in the Upper House and determine the right or wrong of laws that could have a bearing on ALL of the UK. As has been previously claimed by many "... they are English pigs ...". LOL

If one should study history Wales is the only home country that has two national anthems ie Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau and God Save the Queen. Also many years ago Hereford, Devon and Cornwall were all part of Wales. Yes we do have free prescriptions, all day free bus passes for the over 60s, free hospital parking and many projects funded by EU finance as the powers that be in Westminster are too b****y mean and miserable to pay for any development in Wales. Come the next election and there will be quite a few bloody noses in Wales that will make Whitehall sit up and take notice.

Incidentally Swansea have been promoted to Division 1 of the English football league and the Ospreys won the cup final at Twickenham today.

Therefore in conclusion:


Cardiff is a team from Wales and the Welsh supporters should be given a chance to give vent to their pride.

PS - I believe the Bishop of Southwark Cathedral has banned the hymn Jerusalem from being sung in the Cathedral as he feels it is not a true hymn with religous meaning.


Cannot really think why anyone would wish to have Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land. After all, it is not the most peaceful place on earth.

However, I can empathise with the sentiments. After all once you have allowed your country to become a base for all lunatics in the world, then there is little left to look forward to. And in that category I include Messrs Darling, Brown and Browne etc . We Scots certainly do not wish them back, they are too warped even for us.

But one should really look at the numbers game. There are 600 Plus MP's but only 62 Scots MP's. How come all this bunch of idiots managed to pick so many Scots numpties to be the bosses??? Nepotism??? Do I recall an election of Gordon Brown as leader of the Labour Party???? Coronation seems to spring to mind. Talk about turkeys voting for Xmas.

So, don't blame us Scots. You English wanted all this pain and turbulence, so welcome to Hell. We threw Labour out and you still castigate us for having sense.

Maybe someone should tell Cameron to take his head out of his a..e and start a new revolution, if he has the 'cojones'.
Nov 6, 2005
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God Save The Queen is the British national anthem - so it should be played in honour of both teams.

Anyway the English FA organise the knock-out competition - if Welsh politicians don't like it they should ban Cardiff from playing in England.
Jun 20, 2005
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I have to say there is something passionate about the words and music of the Scottish and Welsh National anthems. God Save the Queen is musically and lyrically impotent to me.

Please let me have Jerusalem for our English National Anthem!


Jan 19, 2008
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Well Flanders & Swan wrote an English national anthem and I was going to copy/paste it onto here. I've had second thoughts though because if I did Colyn ap Brydgynd, wee stevie & SL would be ordering a fatwah on me :O(
Oct 9, 2006
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Quote Roger L "Anyway the English FA organise the knock-out competition - if Welsh politicians don't like it they should ban Cardiff from playing in England."

Can't we British people be friendly with eachother and not so touchy? : )

The fact of the matter is that to many people there is a definate trend to the following especially relating to sport:

Welsh don't like the English but like the irish and scottish

Scottish don't like the English but like the welsh and irish

Irish dont like the English but like the welsh and scottish

English don't like anyone??

Why is that? Some serious questions may need answering.

A strange thing was said to me once whilst on holiday in Cornwall, I got talking to a local in Looe and was telling him what a beautiful part of England it was. He gruffly replied "We are Cornish, not English".??

I await the slaughter................

I love everyone me. : )


I suspect Alan has mistaken Flower of Scotland for what is actually the true Scottish Anthem. It is a dirge called 'Scots wha hae' and is probably the most mournful thing you have ever heard. That is why the 'Flower' has been adopted, although the majority of Scots do not know more than the chorus. But who cares when you are p.....d and beating the English at whatever. Tiddlewinks perhaps.


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