More road misery for caravans

May 21, 2008
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Yesterday I was travelling the A40 between Burford and Cheltenham and came across a familiar sight. a caravan on it's side on what appeared to be a perfectly good dual carriageway. Well it was on our side heading east.

On my return journey I had to drive the west bound carriageway and what an exterience, even in an Astra van!!!

The road surface was not only tramlined, but also rippled perpendicular to the carriageway. So the poor sod towing the caravan might just as well of been driving down a farm track at 60Mph, he'd probably of been safer.

Just when are the insurance companies and the vehicle tax payers (that's us by the way), going to stand together with the institute of advanced motorist's and ROSPA, to lobby government to actually quantify a minimum standard of road condition and enforce legislation on the highways agencey so that the roads are brought up to a safe standard.

Now please don't tell me that standards are in place because that would be poppy **** of the highest order.

In most accidents the first thing to be mutedis driver error, but unless your eignstein then controlling a caravan in that particular piece of road is a lottery!!

Rant over.

Steve L.
Jun 28, 2007
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Hi Steve ,

I have to agree that the state of the roads is appaling , considering the amount of money the government takes from us for the 'pleasure' of using our vehicles.

I live in the midlands and the nearside lane of the M6 is scary. I use Jnc 9 - 10 north daily and the slip road at J10 is so bad that in a car you are swerving all over the place and its a job to keep it straight.

And as for some of the surrounding A roads , well surfice to say that a local council is happier to pay drivers compensation for damaged caused rather than fix the problem becuase its cheaper.

I drive 10 miles to work and there not a single road I use that hasn't got potholes or rutting.

Its a disgrace
Jan 2, 2006
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Roger knowing that bit of M6 very well it is usually a car park so the 'tramlines' at least allow you to read the paper and let the road surface do the steering!
Mar 14, 2005
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Roger & Plotter, can you please get that section of the M6 repaired quickly, as three of us Royalle-ists will be travelling along it on Wed night/Thursday morning, en route to our club rally in Torver, Coniston, and we don't want the wine shaken up too much!


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