Hi folks. I'm looking for some advice regarding motor movers. I'm considering fitting them to my Bailey California Series 6 (M.T.P.L.M 1495kg), which is single axle, so as I see it most if not all of the leading brands would be suitable. Self fit is well within my capabilities.
What I'm hoping you can help me with is personal experience of reliability and, conversely, weaknesses or unreliability issues. I'm seeing some units priced from around £500 whilst others may be double that and then some so apart from the cheaper being manual engagement, what extra do you get. It seems the norm now for a 5 year warranty so I'd be interested to know if you've had to use this and how easy/difficult the process was.
Thank you in anticipation of your help.
What I'm hoping you can help me with is personal experience of reliability and, conversely, weaknesses or unreliability issues. I'm seeing some units priced from around £500 whilst others may be double that and then some so apart from the cheaper being manual engagement, what extra do you get. It seems the norm now for a 5 year warranty so I'd be interested to know if you've had to use this and how easy/difficult the process was.
Thank you in anticipation of your help.