Mover for Twin Axle Caravan

Nov 27, 2009
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We are looking to buy twin axle caravan, that has MTPL of 1880kg. Bit concerned about weight of caravan as near to weight limit for tow car. Have been recomended Powrtouch all wheel drive mover, weighing 70kg approx for guaranteed performance, but would like lighter weight Truma TE. Has anyone used this mover on heavy caravan?
Aug 2, 2009
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Yes, we have the Truma TE fitted on our Sterling Searcher, which has an (uprated) MTPLM of 1900 kg. Normal MTPLM is 1815 kg.

We use it to get the van off the road, over the drop kerb and onto our 1 in 10 drive nose first. It is then parked close to one side. It takes a fair bit of manoeuvring as the drive is only slightly longer than the van, but it gets there eventually.

We have plenty of width in which to make the turn off the road, but if you need to make a really tight turn you would certainly find a 4 wheel mover better. Better, but not as good as turning a single axle.

Like you, we did not want the extra weight of the 4 wheel mover. Not because of the car, but because we have quite a lot of fitted extras including air con, so did not want to lose any more of our payload than necessary.

Later we realised we could have the the MTPLM uprated by 85kg, which covers the mover, air con etc, and leaves our payload intact. Which is a good thing when I see how many tools etc travel with us!!


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