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Mar 14, 2005
Hi Val & Frank

Agreed - despite the play on words above I also feel that the nonsence rules that get inflicted on us should be challenged.

Anyone remember the horrible EU style beer trays that had to be on the bar in pubs about a decade ago because some numpty in the Health & Safty Directorate decided that the EU rules required our age old tradition of cloths on the bar was unhygenic.

Presumably he based this on the hundreds of people that died every week from sucking an unwashed bar cloth.

It seems that good sense has prevailed and the horrible plastic imitation brass things have been binned and our beer cloths are now back.

My favourite is the closure of many local cheese producers because of a directive dictating that the cheese could only be made in a room cleaner than an Hospital Operating Theatre. (Not that hard a task at the moment)

Whereas in the Loire Value France, cheese is matured in caves having been made in someones bath tub!

And very nice it is too!

How do they get away with it? - because there would be uproar in France if anyone tried to interfere with what they see to be an important part of their tradition.

The same rules apply to both countries - only our idiot officials are more interested in silly rules than tradition and jobs.


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