Mr J Clarkson

Feb 15, 2007
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What an absolute moron!!! Laughing about there is nothing funnier than an overturned caravan on the motorway, what about the possible loss of life to men, women and children what an ass!! The only Morons are the petrol heads like clarkson who go out and spend thousands of pounds on a supercar that does 200mph because it looks cool yet the legal limit in the UK is 70 totally braindead if you ask me. Clarkson i like your show but you are an absolute idiot, maybe we should all laugh when we see you and your mates crushed and bleeding to death after a high speed crash in your out of control supercar
May 25, 2005
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Unfortunately, these highly paid BBC so-called entertainers thin themselves to be the bees knees! Sadly, they appear to lack knowledge of how a caravan should be towed safely so they have to poke fun. Let them be they are so childish and know no better! If they did know better they would realise that 'vanners are much more safet on the roads than they will ever be. A little knowledge and all that ...........................

Jun 1, 2008
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As a fellow caravanner and hopefully an innocent bystander I have to agree and also disagree with your comments, before your dummies are spit out I would like to point out that if you think all tuggers pull at 75% and stick to 50mph you are very much mistaken, I drive a Merc ML270 pulling a 1400kg Bessie and on one occasion (not the only one I hasten to add) whilst driving south on the M6 from Shap after a pleasant weekend at Appleby was overtaken whilst travelling at 60 by a large Range Rover pulling a twin axle Bailey travelling in excess of 80 mph in the middle lane.

The point is??? If you are a "Non Tugger" how would you look at that situation?

"Stupid bl**dy caravanners !!"

Before you condemn JC and his partners in grime look at it from his point of view, admitedly he has to provide entertainment to the masses and he does egt paid a stupid amount of money for that which does in turn allow him to buy his Aston Martin, am I jealous ?? To damn right I am but for now ? don't be too quick to hang em high because tuggers are as much a menace in many respects as are hoodies, petrolheads, HGV's, barking dogs and girls in short skirts whilst driving, (perhaps not quite) but we are not saints by any stretch of the imagination.
Feb 15, 2007
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As a fellow caravanner and hopefully an innocent bystander I have to agree and also disagree with your comments, before your dummies are spit out I would like to point out that if you think all tuggers pull at 75% and stick to 50mph you are very much mistaken, I drive a Merc ML270 pulling a 1400kg Bessie and on one occasion (not the only one I hasten to add) whilst driving south on the M6 from Shap after a pleasant weekend at Appleby was overtaken whilst travelling at 60 by a large Range Rover pulling a twin axle Bailey travelling in excess of 80 mph in the middle lane.

The point is??? If you are a "Non Tugger" how would you look at that situation?

"Stupid bl**dy caravanners !!"

Before you condemn JC and his partners in grime look at it from his point of view, admitedly he has to provide entertainment to the masses and he does egt paid a stupid amount of money for that which does in turn allow him to buy his Aston Martin, am I jealous ?? To damn right I am but for now ? don't be too quick to hang em high because tuggers are as much a menace in many respects as are hoodies, petrolheads, HGV's, barking dogs and girls in short skirts whilst driving, (perhaps not quite) but we are not saints by any stretch of the imagination.
Speak for yourself, i never travel over the limit on motorways and do not poke fun at people who have unfortunate accidents even if it was they`re own fault, there are idiot tuggers out there but don`t condemn the majority for the minority.
Feb 16, 2009
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Clarkson is only good at taking the p--s out of something, turn the table on him like the locals did in a pub near where l live up North, spits is dummy out and vacates, as the saying goes Jeremy if you can't take it don't give it out.

May 21, 2007
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I can testify that we are not all saints. A week last friday whilst on the M5 going towards Exeter I decided to overtake an articulated lorry.As I was coming alongside him another caravanner decided to overtake me....... in the outside lane!!

How did that look to the trucker, other vanners, car drivers and lucky for him ( cos there were none about),the police.

I still think J Clarkson is a moron
Feb 3, 2005
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Don't know why anybody gets worked up about Jeremy Clarkson - that's exactly what he wants and it has given him a lot of money and a life style to match. I don't think he really believes a lot of the things he says.

Best way to treat such people is not to react.

Aug 6, 2009
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It,s all down to image,he needs to be controversial it sells books,DVDs etc As his agent will be saying any publicity is good publicity.Deep down I think he,s probably a half decent guy.
Aug 4, 2004
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I can't believe that people get worked up about Clarkson who is an entertainer. Maybe they need to get a life! :) Better to get worked up over Brown and his clown Darling and the stealth taxes they have imposed on us.


Nov 12, 2009
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We don't host political discussions on this forum because they often lead to extreme opinions being expressed which then have to be deleted by moderators. With our antiquated forum software this can be difficult and time consuming so we recommend that the armchair warrior stuff is posted on one of the many forums geared up to host such content.

Jeremy Clarkson on the other hand............. no, I'd better not :0)
Feb 3, 2005
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You should read Mr Clarkson's autobiography as I have (give him more money!!!). He is an entertainer, as Ian says, and primarily a journalist, who plays to an audience - just like the tabloid newspapers and glossy magazines do.

Feb 17, 2007
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From time to time there are reports of sightings of J. Clarkson on caravan sites with family in a caravan. And does any one else remember a competition to put a caption to a photograph of, supposedly, the said man carrying a toilet cassette? Or was it in another magazine?


Nov 12, 2009
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I think that maybe, Mr Parksy, you are just as much a of a moron for taking anything Mr Clarkson might say at face value.

I suggest that you read the rules of this forum before adding insulting comments which add nothing to the topic being discussed

I find your comment offensive and unacceptable and I await your apology
Apr 20, 2009
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I think that maybe, Mr Parksy, you are just as much a of a moron for taking anything Mr Clarkson might say at face value.
Why did I just know you would react this way. It would seem, as is so often the case, that it appears it is ok for the moderartor of a forum to call people insulting names and cause offence but not anyone else.

I found your comments about Mr Clarkson insulting and offensive. When you issue an apology to him, I will to you, Fair enough?
Apr 20, 2009
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Why did I just know you would react this way. It would seem, as is so often the case, that it appears it is ok for the moderartor of a forum to call people insulting names and cause offence but not anyone else.

I found your comments about Mr Clarkson insulting and offensive. When you issue an apology to him, I will to you, Fair enough?
Ah nuts, I do indeed owe Mr Parksy my humble, wholehearted and unreserved apologies.

It would seem I need to read more carefully. Replace Mr Parksy with Anthony.

For the record, my comments should have been directed at the OP and not Mr Parksy at all.

So I am sorry for any offence to you Mr Parksy.


Nov 12, 2009
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Thanks for your support Dianne, I appreciate it.

Sam has in fact posted an apology in the comments which I accept.

Nevertheless the comments seem to have been directed at someone else which is still unacceptable and against forum rules.

It's such a pity that we can't have a light hearted discussion on this forum.

Sam, you obviously disagree with the statement made by the originator of this topic but rather than name calling you should consider advancing a reasoned argument as to why in your opinion the o.p. is wrong. This would then add to the discussion rather than rub moderators up the wrong way.
Aug 20, 2009
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It strikes me that some people take TV too seriously. TG is an entertainment programme, not a documentary. If you don't like it then you have the option to switch channels.

FWIW I have personal experience of Caravans (both tourers and statics), supercars (I have owned Ferraris), speeding (not clever on the public road) and driving extemely large rigs (140 tonne HGV's carring cranes etc)

Caravans - love them.

Supercars - love them too although I wouldn't tow the caravan with one !

Speeding - yes I've been guilty on occassions. Never with the tintent in tow though.

Big rigs - driven a lot of heavy metal in the past during my heavy haulage days.

What's my point? Simple really. JC might poke fun at caravans as indeed he does with many other things as well. It's called satire and I rather find it amusing. Some will not I appreciate but you have several hunderd other channels of repeats to watch on Sky instead of complaining. However, regardless of which side of the argument you sit on, to resort to personal insults shows only that your argument is lost already. No need for it.

JC. Hope he lives forever. Some might not agree; that's their prerogative. I happen to find Bruce Forsyth irritating beyond words but wouldn't waste time discussing it, instead I avoid Strictly Come Dancing in the same way that I would avoid the plague.
Jan 31, 2007
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It strikes me that some people take TV too seriously. TG is an entertainment programme, not a documentary. If you don't like it then you have the option to switch channels.

FWIW I have personal experience of Caravans (both tourers and statics), supercars (I have owned Ferraris), speeding (not clever on the public road) and driving extemely large rigs (140 tonne HGV's carring cranes etc)

Caravans - love them.

Supercars - love them too although I wouldn't tow the caravan with one !

Speeding - yes I've been guilty on occassions. Never with the tintent in tow though.

Big rigs - driven a lot of heavy metal in the past during my heavy haulage days.

What's my point? Simple really. JC might poke fun at caravans as indeed he does with many other things as well. It's called satire and I rather find it amusing. Some will not I appreciate but you have several hunderd other channels of repeats to watch on Sky instead of complaining. However, regardless of which side of the argument you sit on, to resort to personal insults shows only that your argument is lost already. No need for it.

JC. Hope he lives forever. Some might not agree; that's their prerogative. I happen to find Bruce Forsyth irritating beyond words but wouldn't waste time discussing it, instead I avoid Strictly Come Dancing in the same way that I would avoid the plague.
very well said. j.c for prime least he tells the truth.
Feb 15, 2007
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Dominic, point taken and well said but JC should not poke fun at things he does not fully understand, obviously he does not like caravans but he should let it be but instead he keeps ranting on about it which irritates many people including myself. I have never owned a supercar but would not go out of my way to ridicule those who do, mind you if i could make thousands out of it maybe i would, but my initial point was, i wish he would stop the abuse of ordinary people who have a hobby which they enjoy, and cease making lighthearted comments of situations which may involve death or seious injury to innocent people.
Aug 6, 2009
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Hi I tend to agree with Dominic.Being a caravnner and motorcyclist,which he isn,t a fan of.I dont get offended by Clarkson because thats what he does and its normally light hearted banter in my opinion.But what really bugs TOH is when they destroy good caravans in their stunts which is essentially our money(taxpayers money)But thats entertainment and thats why TopGear is sold all over the world by the BBC.
Feb 15, 2007
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Ah nuts, I do indeed owe Mr Parksy my humble, wholehearted and unreserved apologies.

It would seem I need to read more carefully. Replace Mr Parksy with Anthony.

For the record, my comments should have been directed at the OP and not Mr Parksy at all.

So I am sorry for any offence to you Mr Parksy.
Calm down if you don`t like the discussion don`t get involved, i will not apologise for comments i have made about a person making fun out of personal injury and do not agree if JC. These are my opinions and would say them to JEREMY face to face if i could, i do not have to make any apologies to you for anything. thanks but no thanks.
Aug 23, 2009
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I think it's about time people lightened up, after all you don't have to listen to him. Is her serious or just doing a constant wind up? Who knows and who cares.

Caravanning in general these days is taken too seriously and people are on the whole generally pretty miserable. 30 years ago (and I'm only 37) it took an hour or more to fill up with water etc as everyone stopped and passed the time of day. Now on a club site it's heads down and don't look up until you are back inside the van. Thats why we rally most of the time.

This I think is more of an issue than anything Mr Clarkson says


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