Mud Pluggers

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Dec 16, 2003

As we have so many lame Duck politicians, could Bird Flu be heading for that nice old building next the Thames ;-)
Mar 14, 2005
We regularly caravan with friends and we thought as people "migrating" from tents to caravans that it would be sensible for one family to go C&CC and one CC. We drew the later and have been delighted with the sites so far used, the helpfulness of the staff and the quality of the website and they guidance notes for Caravanning.

What a contrast to our friends at the C&CC! They were not happy from the start and left after a year.

His comment last night when I emailed him to see if he had seen the DB article was that if he had not already left, that would have been the last straw.
Feb 9, 2006
Be careful mud pluggers

THE ARCHERS are up in arms about green laners

If St Shula & her family are against you, you could be in BIG trouble

Seriously though, the BBC radio program is painting off roaders in a poor light - no sign of a balanced argument
Dec 16, 2003
Well BBC with a bunch of PC namby pamby nonces sucking up to any lefty socialist politico that might bung them a gong would explain a lot ;-)

Nice tea at number 10 saying "I'll BE MOTHER" to Bungle and Cherie is all the media lickers seem interested in at the Beeb ;-)
Mar 14, 2005
In the same issue of the C&CC magazine is a letter from a member regarding 4x4s and I quote:

"I see that the army of dogooders is at it again. Now they want to raise the VAT on 4x4s. Let me put my case,

We ahve a Suzuki Grand Vitara. It is no longer than a normal family saloon and not much heavier. It has big wheels and great broad tyres so that its pressure on the road is minimised.

It has selectable four wheel drive (no central differential), so it is only used in that mode to shift our caravan about the site, where it maintains the integrity of the grass surface because it does not slip. It is comfortable at 70mph on the motorway so we keep it at that, and it does 34mpg. We do no more than 8000 miles per year.

So can someone please give me a reasonable explanation as to why I should pay more VAT than someone with, say, a souped up saloon, over powered hot hatchback or sports car?

But here's a fact, a car designed to run in permanent 4 wheel drive will always do less damage to road surface than a similar one pulling in two"

End of qoute.

I think that the writer has made some valid points regarding 2 and 4 wheel drive vehicles whether they be cars or 4x4 off roaders. I used my Daihatsu Fourtrack yesterday to visit Abergavenny and over approx 100 mile return trip I was always in 2 wheel drive and averaged 35mpg. My son with a 1.8 litre MG ZS claims he can just about average 25 - 28mpg with normal driving. Which therefore is the more user friendly?
Dec 16, 2003
In the same issue of the C&CC magazine is a letter from a member regarding 4x4s and I quote:

"I see that the army of dogooders is at it again. Now they want to raise the VAT on 4x4s. Let me put my case,

We ahve a Suzuki Grand Vitara. It is no longer than a normal family saloon and not much heavier. It has big wheels and great broad tyres so that its pressure on the road is minimised.

It has selectable four wheel drive (no central differential), so it is only used in that mode to shift our caravan about the site, where it maintains the integrity of the grass surface because it does not slip. It is comfortable at 70mph on the motorway so we keep it at that, and it does 34mpg. We do no more than 8000 miles per year.

So can someone please give me a reasonable explanation as to why I should pay more VAT than someone with, say, a souped up saloon, over powered hot hatchback or sports car?

But here's a fact, a car designed to run in permanent 4 wheel drive will always do less damage to road surface than a similar one pulling in two"

End of qoute.

I think that the writer has made some valid points regarding 2 and 4 wheel drive vehicles whether they be cars or 4x4 off roaders. I used my Daihatsu Fourtrack yesterday to visit Abergavenny and over approx 100 mile return trip I was always in 2 wheel drive and averaged 35mpg. My son with a 1.8 litre MG ZS claims he can just about average 25 - 28mpg with normal driving. Which therefore is the more user friendly?
And the 4 x 4 will be safer in bad weather and icy conditions and be able to offer assitance to others as many of my 4X4 friends find when Ice and Snow strikes.
Mar 14, 2005
Agree with the left wing PC bias of the BBC. And how twee that they jump on the anti greenlane bandwagon as a "countryside issue" when the ban on hunting which was and is a REAL countryside issue was virtually ignored.

The reason being I suppose was that if they had the Archers sitting down and chatting about "this hunting ban is probably a good thing" they would have lost all credibility.

The BBC is full of PC bias - only the other day it was reported that the applause for the Labour guest was broadcast whilst the applause for the Conservative guest was mooted down on "Question time". The Producer - a person of known left wing views had to admit that "it did seem like that" after complaints from those that were there saw the actual programme.

It is just another example of "Spin".

Whatever your views on the subject in hand - you have to ask how low will they go and what price the truth?
May 4, 2005
Also from the same issue of C&CC rag a piece in'Show business' about the clubs Start Caravanning manoeuvring courses which "everyone should do" .This year it is in association with the NCC and.........LAND ROVER!!!!!


I was'nt renewing my membership this year anyway because IMHO of the two main clubs the CC&C comes THIRD!!!!

Brian (".)
Dec 16, 2003
On this anti 4 X 4 think I think wE need to apply a bit of lateral thought re motives.

Greens, Red Ken, Bobble Hatted Nerds and all the "PC" morons aren't really worried abut the environment that much.

They are concened for themselves!

They are getting so annoying that they've just realised that a 4 X 4 will squish them with little risk to the drivers should a driver see the red mist and such people in their view ;-0


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