Mar 29, 2006
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In a reply to one of my earlier postings it was said QUOTE: 'if you want to watch t.v. stay at home'

Now without rambling on about freedom of choice etc.etc.i will say this.

My daughter gets up at around 7.30 and likes to watch cebeebies it makes her happy, a little to early to play on swings or go exploring or other stuff that she likes to do.

I also watch t.v. and have just enjoyed the last series of life on mars ( Gene Hunt for prime minister )

The television is not the enemy!!

Whatever next??

If you want to read go to a library

If you want to drink go to te pub

If you want to BBQ go to Australia....

.....And relax!!!

Nuff said

Jul 2, 2006
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On our 2 week October outing last year i forgot to pack the remote for the telly, so it couldn't be tuned in. Nightmare!

I wasn't too popular with the wife and kids.

Do you take the pipes with you Sconny?? Just fire em' up as it gets dark and i bet you won't have anyone complaining about your telly then, ha,ha!!

Mar 14, 2005
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Ther's always one with the no telly reply.

It shows total lack of understanding of other people and their lives.

My wife has Parkinsons and the hours in the day she can be active are very restricted.

We've done the fell walking and cycling(10000 miles one year) but now we are spending our twilight days more and more watching the TV ---very often through closed eyes
Feb 11, 2007
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We was outside the footprint for our dish recently and i thought my Wife would go spare missing her Corry and Eastenders, fortunatly we carry the game RUMMIKUB, loser makes tea and all sorts of other chores .And on a long jouney on the motorway we even had a stop to play a couple of games mainly for me to unwind as i do'nt normaly drive 430 miles in one day.Plus we spend more time talking together instead of her on the tv ,me walking or reading
Apr 17, 2007
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we now live in Spain and enjoy UK TV. I make no apologies having studies and worked hard all my life now I can relax and do as I want. I am still studying the two local languages but feel no compunction to stay away from the TV. Some people like to try and control other people
Jul 31, 2006
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Just goes to prove.......

1 mans meat is another mans poison! (with appologies to all you ladies out there)

Would'nt life be boring if we were all the same.

We always take the TV, but we don't always watch it, & we take the satelite to the south of France so that we can listen to radio 2 (riviera radio gets a bit too much, to americanised for our taste.
Sep 13, 2006
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I also believe that some peoples views seem to become more polarised and aggressive on a forum.

This might be because they can say things they might not say face to face but it could also be that humour that may come across in a conversation does not in text.

I have good friends with some very strong views that sometimes differ to mine,if I had met them on a forum they would probably not be friends.

The person you are reading will not always be the person you could be meeting.

If someone wants to watch soaps (which I detest) that is their choice let them get on with it.

A person who might not like TV but would like a quiet afternoon walk on that lovely path near the campsite would surely not be too happy if everyone stopped watching TV, BBQing or any of the other diverse activities we can enjoy - to join him/her on that afternoon walk.

Live and let live.
Mar 29, 2006
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On our 2 week October outing last year i forgot to pack the remote for the telly, so it couldn't be tuned in. Nightmare!

I wasn't too popular with the wife and kids.

Do you take the pipes with you Sconny?? Just fire em' up as it gets dark and i bet you won't have anyone complaining about your telly then, ha,ha!!

Hi Gavin mate, Well the pipes have kinda been on hold since the turn of the yeas as the wife has been in and out of hospital.

Ive got my next lesson on monday and i am still with the chanter (after getting a new polypenco) I am also still getting to know the doublings ,etc.

I can knock a few tunes out on the chanter(amazing grace, mhari's wedding to name a couple) but the piper teaching me doesn't know as he says I should be fully compitent on the chanter.

He has a set of small pipes which he made himself and is going to use them as a mid-way to a full set of pipes to teach me.

We have got our tickets for the tattoo this year, it's getting expensive as the years go by but this year will be better now that i am trying to learn, just have to watch I don't buy anything I shouldn't up the royal mile!!

Take care



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