Name & Shame

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi All, I wonder why when people complain about a service from a dealer they are reluctant to name them? If you have the evidence to back up your complaint whats the problem. The only way theses dealers learn is when they loose sales when it becomes common knowledge they have shoddy aftersales. Just a thought!!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Bri, In general I agree with you, but I am mindfull of the strong possibility that any one particular complaint could be a one off, and by giving it an airing could be being unfair. I approached this subject from a different perspective, and posed the question of what makes a good dealer, as viewed from the customers perspective. By collating the various opinions it would be possible to produce a set of criteria against which all dealers could be marked to give them a rating. Interestingly enough, none of the organisations that are supposed to represent the customers views (CC or C&CC) responded to the idea.
Mar 14, 2005
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your right of course,but do you think this forum sponsored by a major magazine that relies on such dealers for its advertising would bite the hands that feed it.
Mar 14, 2005
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Ivor I agree with you completley I am having big problems with the build quality of my Compass Ralley, but because magazines get massive advertising revenue from the Explorer Group they will not publish certain things.

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi All, The bad dealer seems to have the upper hand all the way. If i said Joe Blogges was the best since sliced bread no one would mind, but if i said dont touch him with a barg pole it wont get through. Yes one swallow dosn't make a summer but some of the complaints you read on this forum make your hair curl. Thats if you have any!!! Hope I don't have to go down that road but only time will tell.

Good Luck All.

Mar 14, 2005
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Individuals can generally only offer uncorroborated accounts of their problems but the laws of libel & slander still apply. If magazines / web sites like Practical Caravan won't publish complaints about manufacturers / dealers / suppliers because they may well be advertisers, then how will the service quality ever improve? To be even handed, don't take the money from advertisers because their uncorroborated claims of service may well be false.
Mar 14, 2005
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I think Roger L's point about libel is quite valid, which again I bring back the concept of a system which rates dealer perfomance from the point of view of the consumer. I urge anyone who is interested in seeing a customer led sytems ratehr than a trade led system to voice you opinions. If enough of us show interest, then the organisaiations that take our money in the form of subscripotions must sit up and take note. Dealers have nothing to fear if they are genuinely intersted in looking after thier customers.
Aug 4, 2004
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It is annoying when things go wrong but what is more annoying is that no one from the dealership bothers to contact you and update you on any progress, i.e there is a delay if the part etc. You always end up having to chase them. mind you thsi seems to be general attitude amongst the majority of service companies although there are the few exceptions.


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